* [Visual Studio (VS)](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com): The most comprehensive integrated development environment (IDE) for .NET developers on Windows. Includes an array of tools and features to elevate and enhance every stage of software development.
* [Visual Studio Code (VS Code)](https://code.visualstudio.com) is an open source, cross-platform code editor that can be used to develop Blazor apps.
* [.NET CLI](/dotnet/core/tools/): The .NET command-line interface (CLI) is a cross-platform toolchain for developing, building, running, and publishing .NET applications. The .NET CLI is included with the [.NET SDK](/dotnet/core/sdk) and runs on any platform supported by the SDK.
* Install the latest version of [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/?utm_medium=microsoft&utm_source=learn.microsoft.com&utm_campaign=inline+link&utm_content=download+vs2022) with the **ASP.NET and web development** workload.
* **Blazor Web App**: Creates a Blazor web app that supports interactive server-side rendering (interactive SSR) and client-side rendering (CSR). The Blazor Web App template is recommended for getting started with Blazor to learn about server-side and client-side Blazor features.
* For a Blazor Server experience, choose the **Blazor Server App** template, which includes demonstration code and [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/), or the **Blazor Server App Empty** template without demonstration code and Bootstrap. Select **Next**.
* For a standalone Blazor WebAssembly experience, choose the **Blazor WebAssembly App** template, which includes demonstration code and Bootstrap, or the **Blazor WebAssembly App Empty** template without demonstration code and Bootstrap. Select **Next**.
* For more information on the options in the **Additional information** dialog, see the [Blazor project templates and template options](#blazor-project-templates-and-template-options) section.
> The hosted Blazor WebAssembly project template isn't available in ASP.NET Core 8.0 or later. To create a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app, a **Framework** option earlier than .NET 8.0 must be selected with the **ASP.NET Core Hosted** checkbox.
[Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com) is an open source, cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that can be used to develop Blazor apps.
Install the [C# Dev Kit for Visual Studio Code](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csdevkit). For more information, see <xref:blazor/debug#visual-studio-code-prerequisites>.
If you're new to VS Code, see the [VS Code documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs). If you're new to the .NET SDK, see [What is the .NET SDK?](/dotnet/core/sdk) and the associated articles in the .NET SDK documentation.
* Go to the **Explorer** view and select the **Create .NET Project** button. Alternatively, you can bring up the **Command Palette** using <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd>, and then type "`.NET`" and find and select the **.NET: New Project** command.
* Select **Create project** to create the project or adjust the project's options by selecting **Show all template options**. For more information on the templates and options, see the [Blazor project templates and template options](#blazor-project-templates-and-template-options) section.
The Visual Studio Code (VS Code) instructions for ASP.NET Core development in some parts of the Blazor documentation use the [.NET CLI](/dotnet/core/tools/), which is part of the .NET SDK. .NET CLI commands are issued in VS Code's integrated [**Terminal**](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/integrated-terminal), which defaults to a [PowerShell command shell](/powershell/). The **Terminal** is opened by selecting **New Terminal** from the **Terminal** menu in the menu bar.
For hosted Blazor WebAssembly [solutions](#visual-studio-solution-file-sln), add (or move) the `.vscode` folder with `launch.json` and `tasks.json` files to the solution's parent folder, which is the folder that contains the typical project folders: :::no-loc text="Client":::, :::no-loc text="Server":::, and `Shared`. Update or confirm that the configuration in the `launch.json` and `tasks.json` files execute a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app from the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project.
Examine the `Properties/launchSettings.json` file and determine the URL of the app from the `applicationUrl` property. Depending on the framework version, the URL protocol is either secure (HTTPS) `https://localhost:{PORT}` or insecure (HTTP) `http://localhost:{PORT}`, where the `{PORT}` placeholder is an assigned port. Note the URL for use in the `launch.json` file.
In the launch configuration of the `.vscode/launch.json` file:
* Set the current working directory (`cwd`) to the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project folder.
* Indicate the app's URL with the `url` property. Use the value recorded earlier from the `Properties/launchSettings.json` file.
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/{SERVER APP FOLDER}",
"url": "{URL}"
In the preceding configuration:
* The `{SERVER APP FOLDER}` placeholder is the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project's folder, typically :::no-loc text="Server":::.
* The `{URL}` placeholder is the app's URL, which is specified in the app's `Properties/launchSettings.json` file in the `applicationUrl` property.
If Google Chrome is preferred over Microsoft Edge, update or add an additional property of `"browser": "chrome"` to the configuration.
The following example `.vscode/launch.json` file:
* Sets the current working directory to the :::no-loc text="Server"::: folder.
* Sets the URL for the app to `http://localhost:7268`.
* Changes the default browser from Microsoft Edge to Google Chrome.
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Server",
"url": "http://localhost:7268",
"browser": "chrome"
The complete `.vscode/launch.json` file:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"type": "blazorwasm",
"name": "Launch and Debug Blazor WebAssembly Application",
"request": "launch",
"cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Server",
"url": "http://localhost:7268",
"browser": "chrome"
In `.vscode/tasks.json`, add a `build` argument that specifies the path to the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** app's project file:
* The `{SERVER APP FOLDER}` placeholder is the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project's folder, typically :::no-loc text="Server":::.
* The `{PROJECT NAME}` placeholder is the app's name, typically based on the solution's name followed by `.Server` in an app generated from the Blazor WebAssembly project template.
An example `.vscode/tasks.json` file with a **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project named `BlazorHosted` in the :::no-loc text="Server"::: folder of the solution:
> You can't automatically rebuild the backend **:::no-loc text="Server":::** app of a hosted Blazor WebAssembly solution during debugging, for example by running the app with [`dotnet watch run`](xref:tutorials/dotnet-watch).
In the preceding configuration for the current working directory (`cwd`), the `{SERVER APP FOLDER}` placeholder is the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project's folder, typically ":::no-loc text="Server":::".
Example for a project folder of :::no-loc text="Server"::: and that spawns Microsoft Edge as the browser for debug runs instead of the default browser Google Chrome:
* The `{SERVER APP FOLDER}` placeholder is the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project's folder, typically ":::no-loc text="Server":::".
* The `{PROJECT NAME}` placeholder is the app's name, typically based on the solution's name followed by "`.Server`" in an app generated from the [Blazor project template](xref:blazor/project-structure).
The following example from the [tutorial for using SignalR with a Blazor WebAssembly app](xref:blazor/tutorials/signalr-blazor) uses a project folder name of :::no-loc text="Server"::: and a project name of `BlazorWebAssemblySignalRApp.Server`:
> The hosted Blazor WebAssembly project template isn't available in ASP.NET Core 8.0 or later. To create a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app using a .NET 8.0 or later SDK, pass the `-f|--framework` option with a 7.0 target framework (`net7.0`):
> The hosted Blazor WebAssembly project template isn't available in ASP.NET Core 8.0 or later. To create a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app using a .NET 8.0 or later SDK, pass the `-f|--framework` option with the target framework moniker (for example, `net6.0`):
For more information on the templates and options, see the [Blazor project templates and template options](#blazor-project-templates-and-template-options) section.
* Launches the default browser at `https://localhost:{PORT}`, which displays the app's UI. The `{PORT}` placeholder is the random port assigned at app creation. If you need to change the port due to a local port conflict, change the port in the project's `Properties/launchSettings.json` file.
:::zone pivot="vsc"
In VS Code, press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F5</kbd> (Windows) or <kbd>⌘</kbd>+<kbd>F5</kbd> (macOS) to run the app without debugging.
At the **Select debugger** prompt in the **Command Palette** at the top of the VS Code UI, select **C#**. At the next prompt, select the HTTPS profile (`[https]`).
The default browser is launched at `https://localhost:{PORT}`, which displays the app's UI. The `{PORT}` placeholder is the random port assigned at app creation. If you need to change the port due to a local port conflict, change the port in the project's `Properties/launchSettings.json` file.
:::zone pivot="cli"
In a command shell opened to the project's root folder, execute the [`dotnet watch`](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-watch) command to compile and start the app:
dotnet watch
The default browser is launched at `https://localhost:{PORT}`, which displays the app's UI. The `{PORT}` placeholder is the random port assigned at app creation. If you need to change the port due to a local port conflict, change the port in the project's `Properties/launchSettings.json` file.
When an app created from the Blazor Web App project template is run with the .NET CLI, the app runs at an HTTP (insecure) endpoint because the first profile found in the app's launch settings file (`Properties/launchSettings.json`) is the HTTP (insecure) profile, which is named `http`. The HTTP profile was placed in the first position to ease the transition of adopting SSL/HTTPS security for non-Windows users.
One approach for running the app with SSL/HTTPS is to pass the [`-lp`|`--launch-profile` option](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-run#options) with the `https` profile name to the `dotnet watch` command:
dotnet watch -lp https
An alternative approach is to move the `https` profile above the `http` profile in the `Properties/launchSettings.json` file and save the change. After changing the profile order in the file, the `dotnet watch` command always uses the `https` profile by default.
## Stop the app
:::zone pivot="vs"
Stop the app using either of the following approaches:
* Close the browser window.
* In Visual Studio, either:
* Use the Stop button in Visual Studio's menu bar:
![Stop button in Visual Studio's menu bar](~/blazor/tooling/_static/stop-button.png)
* Press <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F5</kbd> on the keyboard.
:::zone pivot="vsc"
Stop the app using the following approach:
1. Close the browser window.
1. In VS Code, either:
* From the **Run** menu, select **Stop Debugging**.
* Press <kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F5</kbd> on the keyboard.
:::zone pivot="cli"
Stop the app using the following approach:
1. Close the browser window.
2. In the command shell, press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> (Windows) or <kbd>⌘</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd> (macOS).
## Visual Studio solution file (`.sln`)
A *solution* is a container to organize one or more related code projects. Solution files use a unique format and aren't intended to be edited directly.
[Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/) and [Visual Studio Code (VS Code)](https://code.visualstudio.com) use a solution file (`.sln`) to store settings for a solution. The [.NET CLI](/dotnet/core/tools/) doesn't organize projects using a solution file, but it can create solution files and list/modify the projects in solution files via the [`dotnet sln` command](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-sln). Other .NET CLI commands use the path of the solution file for various publishing, testing, and packaging commands.
Throughout the Blazor documentation, *solution* is used to describe apps created from the Blazor WebAssembly project template with the **ASP.NET Core Hosted** option enabled or from a Blazor Hybrid project template. Apps produced from these project templates include a solution file (`.sln`). For hosted Blazor WebAssembly apps where the developer isn't using Visual Studio, the solution file can be ignored or deleted if it isn't used with .NET CLI commands.
The Blazor framework provides project templates for creating new apps. The templates are used to create new Blazor projects and solutions regardless of the tooling that you select for Blazor development (Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, or the [.NET command-line interface (CLI)](/dotnet/core/tools/)):
* To only enable interactivity with client-side rendering (CSR), use the **WebAssembly** option.
* To enable both interactive rendering modes and the ability to automatically switch between them at runtime, use the **Auto (Server and WebAssembly)** (automatic) render mode option.
* If interactivity is set to `None`, the generated app has no interactivity. The app is only configured for static server-side rendering.
The Interactive Auto render mode initially uses interactive SSR while the .NET app bundle and runtime are download to the browser. After the .NET WebAssembly runtime is activated, the render mode switches to Interactive WebAssembly rendering.
The Blazor Web App template enables both static and interactive SSR using a single project. If you also enable CSR, the project includes an additional client project (`.Client`) for your WebAssembly-based components. The built output from the client project is downloaded to the browser and executed on the client. Any components using the WebAssembly or automatic render modes must be built from the client project.
> When using a Blazor Web App, most of the Blazor documentation example components ***require*** interactivity to function and demonstrate the concepts covered by the articles. When you test an example component provided by an article, make sure that either the app adopts global interactivity or the component adopts an interactive render mode.
### Interactivity location
Interactivity location options:
* **Per page/component**: The default sets up interactivity per page or per component.
* **Global**: Using this option sets up interactivity globally for the entire app.
Interactivity location can only be set if **Interactive render mode** isn't `None` and authentication isn't enabled.
### Sample pages
To include sample pages and a layout based on Bootstrap styling, use the **Include sample pages** option. Disable this option for project without sample pages and Bootstrap styling.