Authentication is specified in the .NET CLI with the `-au` option. In Visual Studio, the **Change Authentication** dialog is available for new web applications. The default for new web apps in Visual Studio is **No Authentication**.
Windows Authentication is specified for new web apps in the .NET CLI with the `-au Windows` option. In Visual Studio, the **Change Authentication** dialog provides the **Windows Authentication** options.
If Windows Authentication is selected, the app is configured to use the [Windows Authentication IIS module](xref:host-and-deploy/iis/modules). Windows Authentication is intended for Intranet web sites.
| IndividualB2C | Cloud-hosted individual authentication with Azure AD B2C. | [Azure AD B2C](/azure/active-directory-b2c/) |
| SingleOrg | Organizational authentication for a single tenant. Entra External ID tenants also use SingleOrg.| [Entra ID](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-aspnet-core-webapp) |
## Visual Studio new webapp authentication options
The following table shows the authentication options available when creating a new web app with Visual Studio:
| Option | Type of authentication | Link for more information |
| ----------------- | ------------ | ---------- |
| None | No authentication | |
| Individual User Accounts / Store user accounts in-app | Individual authentication | <xref:security/authentication/identity> |
| Individual User Accounts / Connect to an existing user store in the cloud | Cloud-hosted individual authentication with Azure AD B2C | [Azure AD B2C](/azure/active-directory-b2c/) |
| Work or School Cloud / Single Org | Organizational authentication for a single tenant | [Azure AD](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-aspnet-core-webapp) |
| Work or School Cloud / Multiple Org | Organizational authentication for multiple tenants | [Azure AD](/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-v2-aspnet-core-webapp) |
| Windows | Windows authentication | [Windows Authentication](xref:security/authentication/windowsauth)