This tutorial shows you how to create an ASP.NET Core web app using Visual Studio and deploy it from Visual Studio to Azure App Service using continuous deployment.
> [!NOTE]
> To complete this tutorial, you need a Microsoft Azure account. If you don't have an account, you can [activate your MSDN subscriber benefits]( or [sign up for a free trial](
## Prerequisites
This tutorial assumes you have already installed the following:
* [Visual Studio](
* [ASP.NET Core]( (runtime and tooling)
* [Git]( for Windows
## Create an ASP.NET Core web app
1. Start Visual Studio.
2. From the **File** menu, select **New** > **Project**.
3. Select the **ASP.NET Web Application** project template. It appears under **Installed** > **Templates** > **Visual C#** > **Web**. Name the project `SampleWebAppDemo`. Select the **Add to source control** option and click **OK**.
![Microsoft Azure Portal: New button: Web + Mobile under Marketplace: Web App button under Featured Apps](azure-continuous-deployment/_static/05-azure-newwebapp.png)
>The **App Service Name** name needs to be unique. The portal will enforce this rule when you attempt to enter the name. After you enter a different value, you'll need to substitute that value for each occurrence of **SampleWebAppDemo** that you see in this tutorial.
Also in the **Web App** blade, select an existing **App Service Plan/Location** or create a new one. If you create a new plan, select the pricing tier, location, and other options. For more information on App Service plans, [Azure App Service plans in-depth overview](
5. Click **Create**. Azure will provision and start your web app.
Git is a distributed version control system that you can use to deploy your Azure App Service web app. You'll store the code you write for your web app in a local Git repository, and you'll deploy your code to Azure by pushing to a remote repository.
1. Log into the [Azure Portal](, if you're not already logged in.
2. Click **Browse**, located at the bottom of the navigation pane.
3. Click **Web Apps** to view a list of the web apps associated with your Azure subscription.
4. Select the web app you created in the previous section of this tutorial.
5. If the **Settings** blade is not shown, select **Settings** in the **Web App** blade.
6. In the **Settings** blade, select **Deployment source** > **Choose Source** > **Local Git Repository**.
8. If you have not previously set up deployment credentials for publishing a web app or other App Service app, set them up now:
* Click **Settings** > **Deployment credentials**. The **Set deployment credentials** blade will be displayed.
* Create a user name and password. You'll need this password later when setting up Git.
* Click **Save**.
9. In the **Web App** blade, click **Settings** > **Properties**. The URL of the remote Git repository that you'll deploy to is shown under **GIT URL**.
10. Copy the **GIT URL** value for later use in the tutorial.
In this section, you will create a local Git repository using Visual Studio and push from that repository to Azure to deploy your web app. The steps involved include the following:
* Add the remote repository setting using your GIT URL value, so you can deploy your local repository to Azure.
* Commit your project changes.
* Push your project changes from your local repository to your remote repository on Azure.
1. In **Solution Explorer** right-click **Solution 'SampleWebAppDemo'** and select **Commit**. The **Team Explorer** will be displayed.
2. In **Team Explorer**, select the **Home** (home icon) > **Settings** > **Repository Settings**.
3. In the **Remotes** section of the **Repository Settings** select **Add**. The **Add Remote** dialog box will be displayed.
4. Set the **Name** of the remote to **Azure-SampleApp**.
5. Set the value for **Fetch** to the **Git URL** that you copied from Azure earlier in this tutorial. Note that this is the URL that ends with **.git**.
>As an alternative, you can specify the remote repository from the **Command Window** by opening the **Command Window**, changing to your project directory, and entering the command. For example:`git remote add Azure-SampleApp`
6. Select the **Home** (home icon) > **Settings** > **Global Settings**. Make sure you have your name and your email address set. You may also need to select **Update**.
7. Select **Home** > **Changes** to return to the **Changes** view.
8. Enter a commit message, such as **Initial Push #1** and click **Commit**. This action will create a *commit* locally. Next, you need to *sync* with Azure.
>As an alternative, you can commit your changes from the **Command Window** by opening the **Command Window**, changing to your project directory, and entering the git commands. For example:
>`git add .`
>`git commit -am "Initial Push #1"`
9. Select **Home** > **Sync** > **Actions** > **Open Command Prompt**. The command prompt will open to your project directory.
10. Enter the following command in the command window:
`git push -u Azure-SampleApp master`
11. Enter your Azure **deployment credentials** password that you created earlier in Azure.
>Your password will not be visible as you enter it.
This command will start the process of pushing your local project files to Azure. The output from the above command ends with a message that deployment was successful.
>As an alternative, you can push your changes from the **Command Window** by opening the **Command Window**, changing to your project directory, and entering a git command. For example:
>`git push -u Azure-SampleApp master`
## View the updated web app in Azure
View your updated web app by selecting **Browse** from the web app blade in the Azure Portal or by opening a browser and entering the URL for your web app. For example: