uid: web-forms/videos/how-do-i/how-do-i-multiple-file-uploads-in-aspnet-2
title: "[How Do I:] Multiple File Uploads in ASP.NET 2 | Microsoft Docs"
author: JoeStagner
description: "In this video I will demonstrate uploading a dynamically determined number of files to your ASP.NET application."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
ms.date: 02/12/2008
ms.assetid: 7cf3f5ed-2a87-4208-a71d-2b39bc19832a
msc.legacyurl: /web-forms/videos/how-do-i/how-do-i-multiple-file-uploads-in-aspnet-2
msc.type: video
[How Do I:] Multiple File Uploads in ASP.NET 2
by [Joe Stagner](https://github.com/JoeStagner)
In this video I will demonstrate uploading a dynamically determined number of files to your ASP.NET application.
[▶ Watch video (16 minutes)](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/ASP-NET-Site-Videos/how-do-i-multiple-file-uploads-in-aspnet-2)