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Raw Normal View History

<!-- ASP.NET Core code generator tool options common to Razor pages, controllers, and views. -->
Option | Description
------------------------------------- | ---
`-b|--bootstrapVersion` | Specifies the bootstrap version and creates a `wwwroot` folder for the Bootstrap assets if the folder isn't present.
`-dbProvider|--databaseProvider` | Database provider to use. Options include `sqlserver` (default), `sqlite`, `cosmos`, `postgres`.
`-dc|--dataContext` | The database context class to use or the name of the class to generate.
`-f|--force` | Overwrite existing files.
`-l|--layout` | Custom layout page to use.
`-m|--model` | Model class to use.
`-outDir|--relativeFolderPath` | Relative output folder path. If not specified, files are generated in the project folder.
`-scripts|--referenceScriptLibraries` | Reference script libraries in the generated views. Adds `_ValidationScriptsPartial` to `Edit` and `Create` pages.
`-sqlite|--useSqlite` | Flag to specify if the database context should use SQLite instead of SQL Server.
`-udl|--useDefaultLayout` | Use the default layout for the views.