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title: Build web APIs with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
2018-12-05 11:57:06 +08:00
author: prkhandelwal
description: This tutorial demonstrates how to build an ASP.NET Core web API using a MongoDB NoSQL database. scaddie
2018-12-07 12:29:00 +08:00
ms.custom: mvc,seodec18 11/29/2018
uid: tutorials/first-mongo-app
# Create a web API with ASP.NET Core and MongoDB
By [Pratik Khandelwal]( and [Scott Addie](
This tutorial creates a web API that performs Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a [MongoDB]( NoSQL database.
In this tutorial, you learn how to:
> [!div class="checklist"]
> * Configure MongoDB
> * Create a MongoDB database
> * Define a MongoDB collection and schema
> * Perform MongoDB CRUD operations from a web API
[View or download sample code]( ([how to download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample))
## Prerequisites
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
* [.NET Core SDK 2.2 or later](
* [Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9 or later]( with the **ASP.NET and web development** workload
* [MongoDB](
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
* [.NET Core SDK 2.2 or later](
* [Visual Studio Code](
* [C# for Visual Studio Code](
* [MongoDB](
# [Visual Studio for Mac](#tab/visual-studio-mac)
* [.NET Core SDK 2.2 or later](
* [Visual Studio for Mac version 7.7 or later](
* [MongoDB](
## Configure MongoDB
If using Windows, MongoDB is installed at *C:\Program Files\MongoDB* by default. Add *C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\<version_number>\bin* to the `Path` environment variable. This change enables MongoDB access from anywhere on your development machine.
Use the mongo Shell in the following steps to create a database, make collections, and store documents. For more information on mongo Shell commands, see [Working with the mongo Shell](
1. Choose a directory on your development machine for storing the data. For example, *C:\BooksData* on Windows. Create the directory if it doesn't exist. The mongo Shell doesn't create new directories.
1. Open a command shell. Run the following command to connect to MongoDB on default port 27017. Remember to replace `<data_directory_path>` with the directory you chose in the previous step.
mongod --dbpath <data_directory_path>
1. Open another command shell instance. Connect to the default test database by running the following command:
1. Run the following in a command shell:
use BookstoreDb
If it doesn't already exist, a database named *BookstoreDb* is created. If the database does exist, its connection is opened for transactions.
1. Create a `Books` collection using following command:
The following result is displayed:
{ "ok" : 1 }
1. Define a schema for the `Books` collection and insert two documents using the following command:
db.Books.insertMany([{'Name':'Design Patterns','Price':54.93,'Category':'Computers','Author':'Ralph Johnson'}, {'Name':'Clean Code','Price':43.15,'Category':'Computers','Author':'Robert C. Martin'}])
The following result is displayed:
"acknowledged" : true,
"insertedIds" : [
1. View the documents in the database using the following command:
The following result is displayed:
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfd996f7b8e48dc15ff215d"),
"Name" : "Design Patterns",
"Price" : 54.93,
"Category" : "Computers",
"Author" : "Ralph Johnson"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfd996f7b8e48dc15ff215e"),
"Name" : "Clean Code",
"Price" : 43.15,
"Category" : "Computers",
"Author" : "Robert C. Martin"
The schema adds an autogenerated `_id` property of type `ObjectId` for each document.
The database is ready. You can start creating the ASP.NET Core web API.
## Create the ASP.NET Core web API project
# [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio)
1. Go to **File** > **New** > **Project**.
1. Select **ASP.NET Core Web Application**, name the project *BooksApi*, and click **OK**.
1. Select the **.NET Core** target framework and **ASP.NET Core 2.1**. Select the **API** project template, and click **OK**:
1. In the **Package Manager Console** window, navigate to the project root. Run the following command to install the .NET driver for MongoDB:
Install-Package MongoDB.Driver -Version 2.7.2
# [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)
1. Run the following commands in a command shell:
dotnet new webapi -o BooksApi
code BooksApi
A new ASP.NET Core web API project targeting .NET Core is generated and opened in Visual Studio Code.
1. Click **Yes** when the *Required assets to build and debug are missing from 'BooksApi'. Add them?* notification appears.
1. Open **Integrated Terminal** and navigate to the project root. Run the following command to install the .NET driver for MongoDB:
dotnet add BooksApi.csproj package MongoDB.Driver -v 2.7.2
# [Visual Studio for Mac](#tab/visual-studio-mac)
1. Go to **File** > **New Solution** > **.NET Core** > **App**.
1. Select the **ASP.NET Core Web API** C# project template, and click **Next**.
1. Select **.NET Core 2.2** from the **Target Framework** drop-down list, and click **Next**.
1. Enter *BooksApi* for the **Project Name**, and click **Create**.
1. In the **Solution** pad, right-click the project's **Dependencies** node and select **Add Packages**.
1. Enter *MongoDB.Driver* in the search box, select the *MongoDB.Driver* package, and click **Add Package**.
1. Click the **Accept** button in the **License Acceptance** dialog.
## Add a model
1. Add a *Models* directory to the project root.
1. Add a `Book` class to the *Models* directory with the following code:
In the preceding class, the `Id` property is required for mapping the Common Language Runtime (CLR) object to the MongoDB collection. Other properties in the class are decorated with the `[BsonElement]` attribute. The attribute's value represents the property name in the MongoDB collection.
## Add a CRUD operations class
1. Add a *Services* directory to the project root.
1. Add a `BookService` class to the *Services* directory with the following code:
1. Add the MongoDB connection string to *appsettings.json*:
The preceding `BookstoreDb` property is accessed in the `BookService` class constructor.
1. In `Startup.ConfigureServices`, register the `BookService` class with the Dependency Injection system:
The preceding service registration is necessary to support constructor injection in consuming classes.
The `BookService` class uses the following `MongoDB.Driver` members to perform CRUD operations against the database:
* `MongoClient` &ndash; Reads the server instance for performing database operations. The constructor of this class is provided the MongoDB connection string:
* `IMongoDatabase` &ndash; Represents the Mongo database for performing operations. This tutorial uses the generic `GetCollection<T>(collection)` method on the interface to gain access to data in a specific collection. CRUD operations can be performed against the collection after this method is called. In the `GetCollection<T>(collection)` method call:
* `collection` represents the collection name.
* `T` represents the CLR object type stored in the collection.
`GetCollection<T>(collection)` returns a `MongoCollection` object representing the collection. In this tutorial, the following methods are invoked on the collection:
* `Find<T>` &ndash; Returns all documents in the collection matching the provided search criteria.
* `InsertOne` &ndash; Inserts the provided object as a new document in the collection.
* `ReplaceOne` &ndash; Replaces the single document matching the provided search criteria with the provided object.
* `DeleteOne` &ndash; Deletes a single document matching the provided search criteria.
## Add a controller
1. Add a `BooksController` class to the *Controllers* directory with the following code:
The preceding web API controller:
* Uses the `BookService` class to perform CRUD operations.
* Contains action methods to support GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE HTTP requests.
1. Build and run the app.
1. Navigate to `http://localhost:<port>/api/books` in your browser. The following JSON response is displayed:
"bookName":"Design Patterns",
"author":"Ralph Johnson"
"bookName":"Clean Code",
"author":"Robert C. Martin"
## Next steps
For more information on building ASP.NET Core web APIs, see the following resources:
* <xref:web-api/index>
* <xref:web-api/action-return-types>