[Azure Monitor](/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/) is the centralized service for monitoring all metrics and setting alerts across Azure services. Within Azure Monitor, administrators can granularly track performance and identify trends. Each Azure service offers its own [set of metrics](/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitoring-supported-metrics#microsoftwebsites-excluding-functions) to Azure Monitor.
[Application Insights](/azure/application-insights/app-insights-overview) is an Azure service for analyzing the performance and stability of web apps and how users use them. The data from Application Insights is broader and deeper than that of Azure Monitor. The data can provide developers and administrators with key information for improving apps. Application Insights can be added to an Azure App Service resource without code changes.
1. Select the **Create new resource** radio button. Use the default resource name, and select the location for the Application Insights resource. The location doesn't need to match that of your web app.
Application Insights provides useful server-side information with no additional configuration. To get the most value from Application Insights, [instrument your app with the Application Insights SDK](/azure/application-insights/app-insights-asp-net-core). When properly configured, the service provides end-to-end monitoring across the web server and browser, including client-side performance. For more information, see the [Application Insights documentation](/azure/application-insights/app-insights-overview).
ASP.NET Core and web server (App Service) logs are generated for the web app. They can be downloaded using the FTP/FTPS information displayed. The password is the same as the deployment credentials created earlier in this guide. The logs can be [streamed directly to your local machine with PowerShell or Azure CLI](/azure/app-service/web-sites-enable-diagnostic-log#download). Logs can also be [viewed in Application Insights](/azure/app-service/web-sites-enable-diagnostic-log#how-to-view-logs-in-application-insights).
Logs can also be [streamed via Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell](/azure/app-service/web-sites-enable-diagnostic-log#streamlogs), including through the Cloud Shell.
Azure Monitor also provides [real time alerts](/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/insights-alerts-portal) based on metrics, administrative events, and other criteria.
The [Alerts (classic) service](/azure/monitoring-and-diagnostics/monitor-quick-resource-metric-alert-portal) can be found in Azure Monitor or under the **Monitoring** section of the App Service settings.
Azure App Service can be [debugged remotely with Visual Studio](/azure/app-service/web-sites-dotnet-troubleshoot-visual-studio#remotedebug) when logs don't provide enough information. However, remote debugging requires the app to be compiled with debug symbols. Debugging shouldn't be done in production, except as a last resort.