In this section, an HTML page is added that uses jQuery to call the web api. jQuery initiates the request and updates the page with the details from the API's response.
Configure the app to [serve static files](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.staticfileextensions.usestaticfiles#Microsoft_AspNetCore_Builder_StaticFileExtensions_UseStaticFiles_Microsoft_AspNetCore_Builder_IApplicationBuilder_) and [enable default file mapping](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.defaultfilesextensions.usedefaultfiles#Microsoft_AspNetCore_Builder_DefaultFilesExtensions_UseDefaultFiles_Microsoft_AspNetCore_Builder_IApplicationBuilder_) by updating *Startup.cs* with the following highlighted code:
A change to the ASP.NET Core project's launch settings may be required to test the HTML page locally:
* Open *Properties\launchSettings.json*.
* Remove the `launchUrl` property to force the app to open at *index.html*—the project's default file.
There are several ways to get jQuery. In the preceding snippet, the library is loaded from a CDN.
This sample calls all of the CRUD methods of the API. Following are explanations of the calls to the API.
### Get a list of to-do items
The jQuery [ajax]( function sends a `GET` request to the API, which returns JSON representing an array of to-do items. The `success` callback function is invoked if the request succeeds. In the callback, the DOM is updated with the to-do information.
The [ajax]( function sends a `POST` request with the to-do item in the request body. The `accepts` and `contentType` options are set to `application/json` to specify the media type being received and sent. The to-do item is converted to JSON by using [JSON.stringify]( When the API returns a successful status code, the `getData` function is invoked to update the HTML table.