The `s => s.Title.Contains()` code above is a [Lambda Expression](/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/statements-expressions-operators/lambda-expressions). Lambdas are used in method-based [LINQ](/dotnet/standard/using-linq) queries as arguments to standard query operator methods such as the [Where](/dotnet/api/system.linq.enumerable.where) method or `Contains` (used in the code above). LINQ queries are not executed when they're defined or when they're modified by calling a method such as `Where`, `Contains` or `OrderBy`. Rather, query execution is deferred. That means that the evaluation of an expression is delayed until its realized value is actually iterated over or the `ToListAsync` method is called. For more information about deferred query execution, see [Query Execution](/dotnet/framework/data/adonet/ef/language-reference/query-execution).
Note: The [Contains](/dotnet/api/ method is run on the database, not in the c# code shown above. The case sensitivity on the query depends on the database and the collation. On SQL Server, [Contains](/dotnet/api/ maps to [SQL LIKE](/sql/t-sql/language-elements/like-transact-sql), which is case insensitive. In SQLite, with the default collation, it's case sensitive.
If you change the signature of the `Index` method to have a parameter named `id`, the `id` parameter will match the optional `{id}` placeholder for the default routes set in *Startup.cs*.