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title: "Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections (SignalR 1.x) | Microsoft Docs"
author: pfletcher
description: "This topic describes how to enforce authorization on a persistent connection. For general information about integrating security into a SignalR application,..."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
manager: wpickett
ms.date: 10/21/2013
ms.topic: article
ms.assetid: c34bc627-41af-4c21-a817-e97a19a7f252
ms.technology: dotnet-signalr
ms.prod: .net-framework
msc.legacyurl: /signalr/overview/older-versions/persistent-connection-authorization
msc.type: authoredcontent
Authentication and Authorization for SignalR Persistent Connections (SignalR 1.x)
by [Patrick Fletcher](https://github.com/pfletcher), [Tom FitzMacken](https://github.com/tfitzmac)
> This topic describes how to enforce authorization on a persistent connection. For general information about integrating security into a SignalR application, see [Introduction to Security](index.md).
## Enforce authorization
To enforce authorization rules when using a [PersistentConnection](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.aspnet.signalr.persistentconnection(v=vs.111).aspx) you must override the `AuthorizeRequest` method. You cannot use the `Authorize` attribute with persistent connections. The `AuthorizeRequest` method is called by the SignalR Framework before every request to verify that the user is authorized to perform the requested action. The `AuthorizeRequest` method is not called from the client; instead, you authenticate the user through your application's standard authentication mechanism.
The example below shows how to limit requests to authenticated users.
You can add any customized authorization logic in the AuthorizeRequest method; such as, checking whether a user belongs to a particular role.