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title: "What's New in ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1 | Microsoft Docs"
author: microsoft
description: ""
ms.author: aspnetcontent
manager: wpickett
ms.date: 01/20/2014
ms.topic: article
ms.assetid: 97ac3da0-2141-4904-aa05-27e280db1e4e
ms.technology: dotnet-webpages
ms.prod: .net-framework
msc.legacyurl: /web-pages/overview/releases/whats-new-aspnet-web-pages-31
msc.type: authoredcontent
What's New in ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1
by [Microsoft](https://github.com/microsoft)
This topic describes what's new for ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1.
This release fixes bugs and does not introduce any new features.
<a id="download"></a>
## Download
The runtime features are released as NuGet packages on the NuGet gallery. All the runtime packages follow the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) specification. The latest ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1 RTM package has the following version: "3.1.2". You can install or update these packages through [NuGet](http://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.AspNet.WebPages/). The release also includes corresponding localized packages on NuGet.
You can install or update to the released NuGet packages by using the NuGet Package Manager Console:
<a id="bug-fixes"></a>
## Bug Fixes
ASP.NET Web Pages 3.1.0 contains several bug fixes. You can find the complete list [here](https://aspnetwebstack.codeplex.com/workitem/list/advanced?keyword=&status=Closed&type=All&priority=All&release=v5.1%20Preview|v5.1%20RTM&assignedTo=All&component=Web%20Pages%2FRazor&sortField=AssignedTo&sortDirection=Ascending&page=0&reasonClosed=Fixed).
The 3.1.1 package does not contain any changes. The package version number was updated to match the versions of MVC and Web API.
The 3.1.2 package contains IntelliSense updates but no bug fixes.