# Developing ASP.NET Core applications using dotnet watch
By [Victor Hurdugaci](https://twitter.com/victorhurdugaci)
## Introduction
`dotnet watch` is a development time tool that runs a `dotnet` command when source files change. It can be used to compile, run tests, or publish when code changes.
In this tutorial we'll use an existing WebApi application that calculates the sum and product of two numbers to demonstrate the use cases of `dotnet watch`. The sample application contains an intentional bug that we'll fix as part of this tutorial.
Start by downloading [the sample application](https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/tutorials/dotnet-watch/sample). It contains two projects, `WebApp` (a web application) and `WebAppTests` (unit tests for the web application)
log : Restoring packages for /Users/user/dev/aspnet/Docs/aspnet/tutorials/dotnet-watch/sample/WebApp/project.json...
log : Restoring packages for tool 'Microsoft.DotNet.Watcher.Tools' in /Users/user/dev/aspnet/Docs/aspnet/tutorials/dotnet-watch/sample/WebApp/project.json...
Any `dotnet` command can be run with `dotnet watch`: For example:
<!-- Command Command with watch dotnet run dotnet watch run dotnet run -f net451 dotnet watch run -f net451 dotnet run -f net451 ----arg1 dotnet watch run -f net451 ----arg1 dotnet test dotnet watch test -->
| Command | Command with watch |
| ---- | ----- |
| dotnet run | dotnet watch run |
| dotnet run -f net451 | dotnet watch run -f net451 |
| dotnet run -f net451 -- --arg1 | dotnet watch run -f net451 -- --arg1 |
| dotnet test | dotnet watch test |
To run `WebApp` using the watcher, run `dotnet watch run` in the `WebApp` folder. The console output will show messages similar to the ones below, indicating that `dotnet watch` is now watching code files:
Save the file. The console output will show messages similar to the ones below, indicating that `dotnet watch` detected a file change and restarted the application.
Once all the tests run, the watcher will indicate that it's waiting for a file to change before restarting `dotnet test`.
3. Open the controller file in *WebApp/Controllers/MathController.cs* and change some code. If you haven't fixed the product bug, do it now. Save the file.