* Select one of the **Download Source and Continue Debugging** options.
![Source Link Will Download](~/test/debug-aspnetcore-source/image/download.png)
The preceding instructions work for basic stepping into functions, but the optimized .NET code often removes local variables and functions. To disable optimizations and allow better source debugging:
* In **Tools -> Options -> Debugging -> General**, enable **Suppress JIT optimization on module load (Managed only)**:
If you have debugged an app before with the previous version of .NET, delete the `%TEMP%/SymbolCache` directory as it can have old PDBs that are out of date.
* [Debugging .NET Core on Unix over SSH](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/devops/debugging-net-core-on-unix-over-ssh/)
* [Debugging ASP Core on Linux with Visual Studio 2017](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/premier-developer/debugging-asp-core-on-linux-with-visual-studio-2017/)
* [JIT Optimization and Debugging](/visualstudio/debugger/jit-optimization-and-debugging)
* [Limitations of the 'Suppress JIT optimization' option](/visualstudio/debugger/jit-optimization-and-debugging#limitations-of-the-suppress-jit-optimization-option) To set `COMPlus_ReadyToRun` to `0`
* [Test Execution with Hot Reload](/visualstudio/test/test-execution-with-hot-reload)