uid: web-pages/overview/performance-and-traffic/index
title: "Performance | Microsoft Docs"
author: rick-anderson
description: "How to cache content for faster performance and how to measure site traffic."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
ms.date: 09/08/2014
ms.assetid: ce798572-e7dc-44c1-a7fe-a029820e195e
msc.legacyurl: /web-pages/overview/performance-and-traffic
msc.type: chapter
> How to cache content for faster performance and how to measure site traffic.
- [Caching to Improve the Performance of Your Website](15-caching-to-improve-the-performance-of-your-website.md)
- [Analyzing Traffic](14-analyzing-traffic.md)
- [Bundling and Minifying Assets in an ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) Site](bundling-and-minifying-assets-in-an-aspnet-web-pages-razor-site.md)