Visual Studio used a default template for the MVC project you just created. You have a working app right now by entering a project name and selecting a few options. This is a basic starter project, and it's a good place to start.
The tutorial assumes familarity with VS Code. See [Getting started with VS Code]( and [Visual Studio Code help](#visual-studio-code-help) for more information.
Select **Ctrl-F5** to run the app in non-debug mode.
* Visual Studio starts [IIS Express](/iis/extensions/introduction-to-iis-express/iis-express-overview) and runs the app. Notice that the address bar shows `localhost:port#` and not something like ``. That's because `localhost` is the standard hostname for your local computer. When Visual Studio creates a web project, a random port is used for the web server.
* Launching the app with Ctrl+F5 (non-debug mode) allows you to make code changes, save the file, refresh the browser, and see the code changes. Many developers prefer to use non-debug mode to quickly launch the app and view changes.
* You can launch the app in debug or non-debug mode from the **Debug** menu item:
![Debug menu](start-mvc/_static/debug_menu.png)
* You can debug the app by selecting the **IIS Express** button
Visual Studio Code starts [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel), launches a browser, and navigates to `https://localhost:5001`. The address bar shows `localhost:port:5001` and not something like ``. That's because `localhost` is the standard hostname for local computer. Localhost only serves web requests from the local computer.
Launching the app with Ctrl+F5 (non-debug mode) allows you to make code changes, save the file, refresh the browser, and see the code changes. Many developers prefer to use non-debug mode to refresh the page and view changes.
Select **Run** > **Start Without Debugging** to launch the app. Visual Studio for Mac starts [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/index#kestrel) server, launches a browser, and navigates to `http://localhost:port`, where *port* is a randomly chosen port number.
* The address bar shows `localhost:port#` and not something like ``. That's because `localhost` is the standard hostname for your local computer. When Visual Studio creates a web project, a random port is used for the web server. When you run the app, you'll see a different port number.
* You can launch the app in debug or non-debug mode from the **Run** menu.
* Select **Accept** to consent to tracking. This app doesn't track personal information. The template generated code includes assets to help meet [General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)](xref:security/gdpr).