This tutorial teaches you the basics of building an ASP.NET Core MVC web app using [Visual Studio for Mac](
In Visual Studio, select **Run > Start Without Debugging** to launch the app. Visual Studio starts [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/index#kestrel), launches a browser, and navigates to `http://localhost:port`, where *port* is a randomly chosen port number.
* The address bar shows `localhost:port#` and not something like ``. That's because `localhost` is the standard hostname for your local computer. When Visual Studio creates a web project, a random port is used for the web server. When you run the app, you'll see a different port number.
* You can launch the app in debug or non-debug mode from the **Run** menu.
The default template gives you **Home, About** and **Contact** links. The browser image above doesn't show these links. Depending on the size of your browser, you might need to click the navigation icon to show them.
![Browser with New project](start-mvc/b2.png)
In the next part of this tutorial, you learn about MVC and start writing some code.