| `MaxSendMessageSize` | `null` | The maximum message size in bytes that can be sent from the server. Attempting to send a message that exceeds the configured maximum message size results in an exception. |
| `MaxReceiveMessageSize` | 4 MB | The maximum message size in bytes that can be received by the server. If the server receives a message that exceeds this limit, it throws an exception. Increasing this value allows the server to receive larger messages, but can negatively impact memory consumption. |
| `EnableDetailedErrors` | `false` | If `true`, detailed exception messages are returned to clients when an exception is thrown in a service method. The default is `false`. Setting `EnableDetailedErrors` to `true` can leak sensitive information. |
| `CompressionProviders` | gzip | A collection of compression providers used to compress and decompress messages. Custom compression providers can be created and added to the collection. The default configured providers support **gzip** compression. |
| <codestyle="word-break:normal">ResponseCompressionAlgorithm</code> | `null` | The compression algorithm used to compress messages sent from the server. The algorithm must match a compression provider in `CompressionProviders`. For the algorithm to compress a response, the client must indicate it supports the algorithm by sending it in the **grpc-accept-encoding** header. |
| `Interceptors` | None | A collection of interceptors that are run with each gRPC call. Interceptors are run in the order they are registered. Globally configured interceptors are run before interceptors configured for a single service. For more information about gRPC interceptors, see [gRPC Interceptors vs. Middleware](xref:grpc/migration#grpc-interceptors-vs-middleware). |
| `HttpClient` | New instance | The `HttpClient` used to make gRPC calls. A client can be set to configure a custom `HttpClientHandler`, or add additional handlers to the HTTP pipeline for gRPC calls. If no `HttpClient` is specified, then a new `HttpClient` instance is created for the channel. It will automatically be disposed. |
| `DisposeHttpClient` | `false` | If `true`, and an `HttpClient` is specified, then the `HttpClient` instance will be disposed when the `GrpcChannel` is disposed. |
| `LoggerFactory` | `null` | The `LoggerFactory` used by the client to log information about gRPC calls. A `LoggerFactory` instance can be resolved from dependency injection or created using `LoggerFactory.Create`. For examples of configuring logging, see <xref:grpc/diagnostics#grpc-client-logging>. |
| `MaxSendMessageSize` | `null` | The maximum message size in bytes that can be sent from the client. Attempting to send a message that exceeds the configured maximum message size results in an exception. |
| <codestyle="word-break:normal">MaxReceiveMessageSize</code> | 4 MB | The maximum message size in bytes that can be received by the client. If the client receives a message that exceeds this limit, it throws an exception. Increasing this value allows the client to receive larger messages, but can negatively impact memory consumption. |
| `CompressionProviders` | gzip | A collection of compression providers used to compress and decompress messages. Custom compression providers can be created and added to the collection. The default configured providers support **gzip** compression. |