uid: mvc/overview/older-versions-1/unit-testing/index
title: "Unit Testing | Microsoft Docs"
author: rick-anderson
description: "This tutorial set shows you how to create unit tests for ASP.NET MVC controller actions."
ms.author: riande
ms.date: 09/28/2011
ms.assetid: b21d9a30-6b5c-41ab-a8e4-2fa18acd8e9b
msc.legacyurl: /mvc/overview/older-versions-1/unit-testing
msc.type: chapter
Unit Testing
> This tutorial set shows you how to create unit tests for ASP.NET MVC controller actions.
- [Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications (C#)](creating-unit-tests-for-asp-net-mvc-applications-cs.md)
- [Creating Unit Tests for ASP.NET MVC Applications (VB)](creating-unit-tests-for-asp-net-mvc-applications-vb.md)