For more information on *solutions* in sections that apply to hosted Blazor WebAssembly apps, see <xref:blazor/tooling#visual-studio-solution-file-sln>.
Configure Static File Middleware to serve static assets to clients by calling <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticFileExtensions.UseStaticFiles%2A> in the app's request processing pipeline. For more information, see <xref:fundamentals/static-files>.
## Static files in non-`Development` environments for Blazor Server apps
*This section applies to Blazor Server apps.*
In Blazor Server apps run locally, static web assets are only enabled by default in the <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Environments.Development> environment. To enable static files for environments other than <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Environments.Development> during local development and testing (for example, <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Environments.Staging>), call <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostBuilderExtensions.UseStaticWebAssets%2A> on the <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.WebApplicationBuilder> in `Program.cs`.
> Call <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostBuilderExtensions.UseStaticWebAssets%2A> for the ***exact environment*** to prevent activating the feature in production, as it serves files from separate locations on disk *other than from the project* if called in a production environment. The example in this section checks for the <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Environments.Staging> environment by calling <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.HostEnvironmentEnvExtensions.IsStaging%2A>.
*This section applies to standalone Blazor WebAssembly apps and hosted Blazor WebAssembly solutions.*
By default, publishing a Blazor WebAssembly app places the app's static assets, including Blazor framework files (`_framework` folder assets), at the root path (`/`) in published output. The `<StaticWebAssetBasePath>` property specified in the project file (`.csproj`) sets the base path to a non-root path:
The `<StaticWebAssetBasePath>` property is most commonly used to control the paths to published static assets of multiple Blazor WebAssembly apps in a single hosted deployment. For more information, see <xref:blazor/host-and-deploy/multiple-hosted-webassembly>. The property is also effective in standalone Blazor WebAssembly apps.
* In the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project of a hosted Blazor WebAssembly solution: `/BlazorHostedSample/Server/bin/Release/{TFM}/publish/wwwroot/`
If the `<StaticWebAssetBasePath>` property in the **:::no-loc text="Client":::** project of a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app or in a standalone Blazor WebAssembly app sets the published static asset path to `app1`, the root path to the app in published output is `/app1`.
* Path to the client app in the **:::no-loc text="Server":::** project of a hosted Blazor WebAssembly solution: `/BlazorHostedSample/Server/bin/Release/{TFM}/publish/wwwroot/app1/`
To create additional file mappings with a <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.FileExtensionContentTypeProvider> or configure other <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticFileOptions>, use **one** of the following approaches. In the following examples, the `{EXTENSION}` placeholder is the file extension, and the `{CONTENT TYPE}` placeholder is the content type.
* Configure options through [dependency injection (DI)](xref:blazor/fundamentals/dependency-injection) in `Program.cs` using <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.StaticFileOptions>:
Because this approach configures the same file provider used to serve `blazor.server.js`, make sure that your custom configuration doesn't interfere with serving `blazor.server.js`. For example, don't remove the mapping for JavaScript files by configuring the provider with `provider.Mappings.Remove(".js")`.
* You can avoid interfering with serving `_framework/blazor.server.js` by using <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.MapWhenExtensions.MapWhen%2A> to execute a custom Static File Middleware: