uid: mvc/videos/mvc-1/conference-presentations/ninja-on-fire-black-belt-tips
title: "Ninja on Fire Black Belt Tips | Microsoft Docs"
author: Haacked
description: "See a walkthrough of several tips and tricks for getting the most out of the ASP.NET MVC framework."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
ms.date: 05/12/2009
ms.assetid: 8b92f005-930e-458f-b91f-b0e15bb7399f
msc.legacyurl: /mvc/videos/mvc-1/conference-presentations/ninja-on-fire-black-belt-tips
msc.type: video
Ninja on Fire Black Belt Tips
by [Phil Haack](https://github.com/Haacked)
See a walkthrough of several tips and tricks for getting the most out of the ASP.NET MVC framework.
[▶ Watch video (77 minutes)](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/ASP-NET-Site-Videos/ninja-on-fire-black-belt-tips)