ASP.NET 5 runs on the .NET Execution Environment (DNX), which is available on multiple platforms, including OS X. This article describes how to install DNX, and therefore ASP.NET 5, on OS X, using `Homebrew <>`_.
ASP.NET 5 requires DNX, which is installed and managed by the .NET Version Manager (DNVM). The DNVM is easily installed using a tool called Homebrew, which will also install the correct version of Mono for OS X.
The installer will inform you of the steps it is taking and pause before proceeding. You can `learn more about Homebrew here <>`_.
Once Homebrew is installed, install the DNVM by running ``brew tap aspnet/k`` from a Terminal window. If you need to update your version of DNVM, first run ``brew untap aspnet/k`` to delete the old commands, and then run the ``brew tap aspnet/k`` command again to get the updated scripts.
Next, run the command ``brew install dnvm`` to install the .NET Version Manager. This will also automatically install the latest DNX package from the feed.
Next, run ``dnvm`` to verify that your terminal understands this command. If it does not, run the command ``source`` to link it, then try running ``dnvm`` again. You should see something like this:
Now that DNX is installed, you're ready to begin using ASP.NET 5! Learn how you can :doc:`create a cross-platform console application </dnx/dnx-console>` or a simple ASP.NET MVC application that runs within DNX.
ASP.NET 5 is built on the cross-platform .NET Execution Environment, which can be installed on OS X as well as Linux and Windows. Installing DNX and ASP.NET 5 on OS X takes just a few minutes, using a few Terminal commands.