This document focuses on using Visual Studio 2017 to create and use publish profiles. The publish profiles created with Visual Studio can be run from MSBuild and Visual Studio 2017. See [Publish an ASP.NET Core web app to Azure App Service using Visual Studio](xref:tutorials/publish-to-azure-webapp-using-vs) for instructions on publishing to Azure.
* Imports the properties file from *$(MSBuildSDKsPath)\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web\Sdk\Sdk.Props* at the beginning.
* Imports the targets file from *$(MSBuildSDKsPath)\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web\Sdk\Sdk.targets* at the end.
The default location for `MSBuildSDKsPath` (with Visual Studio 2017 Enterprise) is the *%programfiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\MSBuild\Sdks* folder.
When the project is loaded, the project items (files) are computed. The `item type` attribute determines how the file is processed. By default, *.cs* files are included in the `Compile` item list. Files in the `Compile` item list are compiled.
The `Content` item list contains files that are published in addition to the build outputs. By default, files matching the pattern `wwwroot/**` are included in the `Content` item. The `wwwroot/\*\*` [globbing pattern]( matches all files in the *wwwroot* folder **and** subfolders. To explicitly add a file to the publish list, add the file directly in the *.csproj* file as shown in [Include Files](#include-files).
When an ASP.NET Core project references `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web` in the project file, an *app_offline.htm* file is placed at the root of the web app directory. When the file is present, the ASP.NET Core Module gracefully shuts down the app and serves the *app_offline.htm* file during the deployment. For more information, see the [ASP.NET Core Module configuration reference](xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module#app_offlinehtm).
Command-line publishing works on all .NET Core-supported platforms and doesn't require Visual Studio. In the samples below, the [dotnet publish](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish) command is run from the project directory (which contains the *.csproj* file). If not in the project folder, explicitly pass in the project file path. For example:
The default publish folder is `bin\$(Configuration)\netcoreapp<version>\publish`. The default for `$(Configuration)` is *Debug*. In the preceding sample, the `<TargetFramework>` is `netcoreapp2.0`.
The [dotnet publish](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-publish) command calls MSBuild, which invokes the `Publish` target. Any parameters passed to `dotnet publish` are passed to MSBuild. The `-c` parameter maps to the `Configuration` MSBuild property. The `-o` parameter maps to `OutputPath`.
The network share is specified with forward slashes (*//r8/*) and works on all .NET Core supported platforms.
Confirm that the published app for deployment isn't running. Files in the *publish* folder are locked when the app is running. Deployment can't occur because locked files can't be copied.
Publish profiles can simplify the publishing process, and any number of profiles can exist. Create a publish profile in Visual Studio by choosing one of the following paths:
When **Folder** is selected, specify a folder path to store the published assets. The default folder is *bin\Release\PublishOutput*. Click the **Create Profile** button to finish.
Once a publish profile is created, the **Publish** tab changes. The newly created profile appears in a drop-down list. Click **Create new profile** to create another new profile.
![The Publish tab of the app capacities page showing FolderProfile](visual-studio-publish-profiles/_static/create_new.png)
When creating a publish profile with Visual Studio, a *Properties/PublishProfiles/<profile_name>.pubxml* MSBuild file is created. The *.pubxml* file is a MSBuild file and contains publish configuration settings. This file can be changed to customize the build and publish process. This file is read by the publishing process. `<LastUsedBuildConfiguration>` is special because it's a global property and shouldn't be in any file that's imported in the build. See [MSBuild: how to set the configuration property]( for more information.
When publishing to an Azure target, the *.pubxml* file contains your Azure subscription identifier. With that target type, adding this file to source control is discouraged. When publishing to a non-Azure target, it's safe to check in the *.pubxml* file.
Sensitive information (like the publish password) is encrypted on a per user/machine level. It's stored in the *Properties/PublishProfiles/<profile_name>.pubxml.user* file. Because this file can store sensitive information, it shouldn't be checked into source control.
For an overview of how to publish a web app on ASP.NET Core, see [Host and deploy](xref:host-and-deploy/index). The MSBuild tasks and targets necessary to publish an ASP.NET Core app are open-source at
`dotnet publish` supports Kudu APIs to publish to Azure from any platform. Visual Studio publish supports the Kudu APIs, but it's supported by WebSDK for cross-platform publish to Azure.
When invoking [dotnet build](/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-build), it calls `msbuild` to run the build and publish process. Calling either `dotnet build` or `msbuild` is equivalent when passing in a folder profile. When calling MSBuild directly on Windows, the .NET Framework version of MSBuild is used. MSDeploy is currently limited to Windows machines for publishing. Calling `dotnet build` on a non-folder profile invokes MSBuild, and MSBuild uses MSDeploy on non-folder profiles. Calling `dotnet build` on a non-folder profile invokes MSBuild (using MSDeploy) and results in a failure (even when running on a Windows platform). To publish with a non-folder profile, call MSBuild directly.
Note `<LastUsedBuildConfiguration>` is set to `Release`. When publishing from Visual Studio, the `<LastUsedBuildConfiguration>` configuration property value is set using the value when the publish process is started. The `<LastUsedBuildConfiguration>` configuration property is special and shouldn't be overridden in an imported MSBuild file. This property can be overridden from the command line.
Publishing can be accomplished using the .NET Core CLI or MSBuild. `dotnet publish` runs in the context of .NET Core. The `msbuild` command requires .NET Framework, which limits it to Windows environments.
The easiest way to publish with MSDeploy is to first create a publish profile in Visual Studio 2017 and use the profile from the command line.
In the following sample, an ASP.NET Core web app is created (using `dotnet new mvc`), and an Azure publish profile is added with Visual Studio.
Run `msbuild` from a **Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017**. The Developer Command Prompt has the correct *msbuild.exe* in its path with some MSBuild variables set.
When publishing ASP.NET Core web apps, the build artifacts and contents of the *wwwroot* folder are included. `msbuild` supports [globbing patterns]( For example, the following `<Content>` element excludes all text (*.txt*) files from the *wwwroot/content* folder and all its subfolders.
The preceding markup can be added to a publish profile or the *.csproj* file. When added to the *.csproj* file, the rule is added to all publish profiles in the project.
`<MsDeploySkipRules>` won't delete the *skip* targets from the deployment site. `<Content>` targeted files and folders are deleted from the deployment site. For example, suppose a deployed web app had the following files:
The markup can be added to the *.csproj* file or the publish profile. If it's added to the *.csproj* file, it's included in each publish profile in the project.
The following highlighted markup shows how to:
* Copy a file from outside the project into the *wwwroot* folder.
* Exclude the *wwwroot\Content* folder.
* Exclude *Views\Home\About2.cshtml*.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project.
You can customize the behavior of this process by editing this
The built-in `BeforePublish` and `AfterPublish` targets execute a target before or after the publish target. Add the following elements to the publish profile to log console messages both before and after publishing:
To view the files in an Azure App Service web app deployment, use the [Kudu service]( Append the `scm` token to the web app name. For example: