description: Learn how to create a Razor Pages app with user data protected by authorization. Includes HTTPS, authentication, security, ASP.NET Core Identity.
This tutorial shows how to create an ASP.NET Core web app with user data protected by authorization. It displays a list of contacts that authenticated (registered) users have created. There are three security groups:
In the following image, user Rick (``) is signed in. Rick can only view approved contacts and **Edit**/**Delete**/**Create New** links for his contacts. Only the last record, created by Rick, displays **Edit** and **Delete** links. Other users won't see the last record until a manager or administrator changes the status to "Approved".
See [this PDF file]( for the ASP.NET Core MVC version. The ASP.NET Core 1.1 version of this tutorial is in [this]( folder. The 1.1 ASP.NET Core sample is in the [samples](
[Download](xref:tutorials/index#how-to-download-a-sample) the [completed]( app. [Test](#test-the-completed-app) the completed app so you become familiar with its security features.
[Download](xref:tutorials/index#how-to-download-a-sample) the [starter]( app.
Use the ASP.NET [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity) user ID to ensure users can edit their data, but not other users data. Add `OwnerID` and `ContactStatus` to the `Contact` model:
`OwnerID` is the user's ID from the `AspNetUser` table in the [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity) database. The `Status` field determines if a contact is viewable by general users.
In the `ConfigureServices` method of the *Startup.cs* file, add the [RequireHttpsAttribute](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.requirehttpsattribute) authorization filter:
To redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS, see [URL Rewriting Middleware](xref:fundamentals/url-rewriting). If you're using Visual Studio Code or testing on a local platform that doesn't include a test certificate for HTTPS:
Set the default authentication policy to require users to be authenticated. You can opt out of authentication at the Razor Page, controller, or action method level with the `[AllowAnonymous]` attribute. Setting the default authentication policy to require users to be authenticated protects newly added Razor Pages and controllers. Having authentication required by default is safer than relying on new controllers and Razor Pages to include the `[Authorize]` attribute.
With the requirement of all users authenticated, the [AuthorizeFolder](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.pageconventioncollectionextensions.authorizefolder?view=aspnetcore-2.0#Microsoft_Extensions_DependencyInjection_PageConventionCollectionExtensions_AuthorizeFolder_Microsoft_AspNetCore_Mvc_ApplicationModels_PageConventionCollection_System_String_System_String_) and [AuthorizePage](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.pageconventioncollectionextensions.authorizepage?view=aspnetcore-2.0) calls are not required.
Update `ConfigureServices` with the following changes:
* Comment out `AuthorizeFolder` and `AuthorizePage`.
* Set the default authentication policy to require users to be authenticated.
Add [AllowAnonymous](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization.allowanonymousattribute) to the Index, About, and Contact pages so anonymous users can get information about the site before they register.
The `SeedData` class creates two accounts: administrator and manager. Use the [Secret Manager tool](xref:security/app-secrets) to set a password for these accounts. Set the password from the project directory (the directory containing *Program.cs*):
Add the administrator user ID and `ContactStatus` to the contacts. Make one of the contacts "Submitted" and one "Rejected". Add the user ID and status to all the contacts. Only one contact is shown:
Create a `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` verifies that the user acting on a resource owns the resource.
The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` calls [context.Succeed](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization.authorizationhandlercontext.succeed#Microsoft_AspNetCore_Authorization_AuthorizationHandlerContext_Succeed_Microsoft_AspNetCore_Authorization_IAuthorizationRequirement_) if the current authenticated user is the contact owner. Authorization handlers generally:
* Return `context.Succeed` when the requirements are met.
* Return `Task.CompletedTask` when requirements aren't met. `Task.CompletedTask` is neither success or failure—it allows other authorization handlers to run.
If you need to explicitly fail, return [context.Fail](/dotnet/api/
The app allows contact owners to edit/delete/create their own data. `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` doesn't need to check the operation passed in the requirement parameter.
Create a `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` verifies the user acting on the resource is a manager. Only managers can approve or reject content changes (new or changed).
Create a `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` verifies the user acting on the resource is an administrator. Administrator can do all operations.
Services using Entity Framework Core must be registered for [dependency injection](xref:fundamentals/dependency-injection) using [AddScoped](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.servicecollectionserviceextensions). The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` uses ASP.NET Core [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity), which is built on Entity Framework Core. Register the handlers with the service collection so they're available to the `ContactsController` through [dependency injection](xref:fundamentals/dependency-injection). Add the following code to the end of `ConfigureServices`:
`ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` and `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` are added as singletons. They're singletons because they don't use EF and all the information needed is in the `Context` parameter of the `HandleRequirementAsync` method.
Add an authorization handler to verify the user owns the contact. Because resource authorization is being validated, the `[Authorize]` attribute is not enough. The app doesn't have access to the resource when attributes are evaluated. Resource-based authorization must be imperative. Checks must be performed once the app has access to the resource, either by loading it in the page model or by loading it within the handler itself. You frequently access the resource by passing in the resource key.
> Hiding links from users that don't have permission to change data doesn't secure the app. Hiding links makes the app more user-friendly by displaying only valid links. Users can hack the generated URLs to invoke edit and delete operations on data they don't own. The Razor Page or controller must enforce access checks to secure the data.
* Set `"LocalTest:skipHTTPS": true` in the *appsettings.Developement.json* file to skip the HTTPS requirement. Skip HTTPS only on a development machine.
An easy way to test the completed app is to launch three different browsers (or incognito/InPrivate versions). In one browser, register a new user (for example, ``). Sign in to each browser with a different user. Verify the following operations:
Create a contact in the administrator's browser. Copy the URL for delete and edit from the administrator contact. Paste these links into the test user's browser to verify the test user can't perform these operations.
Add the `SeedData` class to the *Data* folder. If you've downloaded the sample, you can copy the *SeedData.cs* file to the *Data* folder of the starter project.
* [ASP.NET Core Authorization Lab]( This lab goes into more detail on the security features introduced in this tutorial.