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title: "How Do I Enable Inline GridView Editing? | Microsoft Docs"
author: shanselman
description: "Now that you have created a site with Edit and Details views, how do you enable inline editing in a GridView control? This video shows you how, and also touc..."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
manager: wpickett
ms.date: 05/08/2008
ms.topic: article
ms.assetid: 026e7932-aea4-42c9-8661-c1392407dc4f
ms.technology: dotnet-webforms
ms.prod: .net-framework
msc.legacyurl: /web-forms/videos/aspnet-dynamic-data/how-do-i-enable-inline-gridview-editing
msc.type: video
How Do I Enable Inline GridView Editing?
by [Scott Hanselman](https://github.com/shanselman)
Now that you have created a site with Edit and Details views, how do you enable inline editing in a **GridView** control? This video shows you how, and also touches on routing.
[▶ Watch video (6 minutes)](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/ASP-NET-Site-Videos/how-do-i-enable-inline-gridview-editing)
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