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title: "Measuring the Business Value of AJAX | Microsoft Docs"
author: rick-anderson
description: "ASP.NET AJAX is well known for its ability to improve the user experience of Web applications. With Visual Studio Team System you can also measure the busine..."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
manager: wpickett
ms.date: 03/23/2007
ms.topic: article
ms.assetid: 60bb771b-e938-490f-944e-c80bc6bbdc12
ms.technology: dotnet-webforms
ms.prod: .net-framework
msc.legacyurl: /web-forms/videos/vs-2005/measuring-the-business-value-of-ajax
msc.type: video
Measuring the Business Value of AJAX
by Eric Lee
ASP.NET AJAX is well known for its ability to improve the user experience of Web applications. With Visual Studio Team System you can also measure the business value of adding ASP.NET AJAX to your Web applications. Specifically you can use the Load and Web Testing capabilities of Visual Studio Team System to explore how the difference in HTTP data transmission size affects the performance and scalability characteristics of the Web application.
[▶ Watch video (10 minutes)](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/ASP-NET-Site-Videos/measuring-the-business-value-of-ajax)
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