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2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
title: .NET Hot Reload support for ASP.NET Core
author: tdykstra
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
description: Use .NET Hot Reload to apply code changes to a running app without restarting the app and without losing app state.
monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-6.0' riande
ms.custom: mvc 11/10/2022
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
uid: test/hot-reload
# .NET Hot Reload support for ASP.NET Core
.NET Hot Reload applies code changes, including changes to stylesheets, to a running app without restarting the app and without losing app state. Hot Reload is supported for all ASP.NET Core 6.0 and later projects.
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
Generally, updated code is rerun to take effect with the following conditions:
* Some startup logic is only run once:
* Middleware, unless the code update is to an inline middleware delegate.
* Configured services.
* Route creation and configuration, unless the code update is to a route handler delegate (for example, `OnInitialized`).
* In [Blazor apps](xref:blazor/index), the framework triggers a [Razor component](xref:blazor/components/index) render automatically.
* In MVC and Razor Pages apps, Hot Reload triggers a browser refresh automatically.
* Removing a Razor [component parameter](xref:blazor/components/index#component-parameters) attribute doesn't cause the component to rerender. The app must be restarted.
For more information on supported scenarios, see [Supported code changes (C# and Visual Basic)](/visualstudio/debugger/supported-code-changes-csharp).
## Blazor WebAssembly
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-8.0"
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
Blazor WebAssembly Hot Reload supports the following code changes:
* New types.
* Nested classes.
* Most changes to method bodies, such as adding, removing, and editing variables, expressions, and statements.
* Changes to the bodies of [lambda expressions](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/lambda-expressions) and [local functions](/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/local-functions).
* Adding static and instance methods to existing types.
* Adding static and instance fields, events, and properties to existing types.
* Adding static lambdas to existing methods.
* Adding lambdas that capture `this` to existing methods that already captured `this` previously.
Note that when an attribute is removed that previously set the value of a component parameter, the component is disposed and re-initialized to set the removed parameter back to its default value.
The following code changes aren't supported for Blazor WebAssembly apps:
* Adding a new [`await` operator](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/await) or [`yield` keyword](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/yield) expression.
* Changing the names of method parameters.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-7.0 < aspnetcore-8.0"
Blazor WebAssembly Hot Reload supports the following code changes:
* New types.
* Nested classes.
* Most changes to method bodies, such as adding, removing, and editing variables, expressions, and statements.
* Changes to the bodies of [lambda expressions](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/lambda-expressions) and [local functions](/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/local-functions).
* Adding static and instance methods to existing types.
* Adding static fields to existing types.
* Adding static lambdas to existing methods.
* Adding lambdas that capture `this` to existing methods that already captured `this` previously.
Note that when an attribute is removed that previously set the value of a component parameter, the component is disposed and re-initialized to set the removed parameter back to its default value.
The following code changes aren't supported for Blazor WebAssembly apps:
* Adding a new [`await` operator](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/await) or [`yield` keyword](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/yield) expression.
* Changing the names of method parameters.
* Adding instance (non-`static`) fields, events, or properties.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< aspnetcore-7.0"
Blazor WebAssembly Hot Reload supports the following code changes:
* Most changes to method bodies, such as adding, removing, and editing variables, expressions, and statements.
* Changes to the bodies of [lambda expressions](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/lambda-expressions) and [local functions](/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/classes-and-structs/local-functions).
The following code changes aren't supported for Blazor WebAssembly apps:
* Adding new lambdas or local functions.
* Adding a new [`await` operator](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/operators/await) or [`yield` keyword](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/yield) expression.
* Changing the names of method parameters.
* Changes outside of method bodies.
* Adding instance (non-`static`) fields, events, or properties.
::: moniker-end
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
Hot Reload is activated using the [`dotnet watch`](xref:tutorials/dotnet-watch) command:
dotnet watch
To force the app to rebuild and restart, use the keyboard combination <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>R</kbd> in the command shell.
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When an unsupported code edit is made, called a *rude edit*, `dotnet watch` asks you if you want to restart the app:
* **Yes**: Restarts the app.
* **No**: Doesn't restart the app and leaves the app running without the changes applied.
* **Always**: Restarts the app as needed when rude edits occur.
* **Never**: Doesn't restart the app and avoids future prompts.
To disable support for Hot Reload, pass the `--no-hot-reload` option to the `dotnet watch` command:
dotnet watch --no-hot-reload
## Disable Hot Reload
The following setting in `Properties/launchSettings.json` disables Hot Reload:
"hotReloadEnabled" : false
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
## Additional resources
For more information, see the following resources in the Visual Studio documentation:
* YouTube video [.NET 6 Hot Reload in Visual Studio 2022, VS Code, and NOTEPAD?!?](
* [Introducing the .NET Hot Reload experience for editing code at runtime](
* [Write and debug running code with Hot Reload in Visual Studio](/visualstudio/debugger/hot-reload)
2021-11-10 08:12:36 +08:00
* [Updates for Blazor & Razor editors + Hot Reload for ASP.NET](/visualstudio/ide/whats-new-visual-studio-2022#updates-for-blazor--razor-editors--hot-reload-for-aspnet)
* [Test Execution with Hot Reload](/visualstudio/test/test-execution-with-hot-reload)