# Publish an ASP.NET Core SignalR app to an Azure Web App
[Azure Web App](/azure/app-service/app-service-web-overview) is a [Microsoft cloud computing](https://azure.microsoft.com/) platform service for hosting web apps, including ASP.NET Core.
> This article refers to publishing an ASP.NET Core SignalR app from Visual Studio. Visit [SignalR service for Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/signalr-service) for more information about using SignalR on Azure.
Visual Studio provides built-in tools for publishing to an Azure Web App. Visual Studio Code user can use [Azure CLI](/cli/azure) commands to publish apps to Azure. This article covers publishing using the tools in Visual Studio. To publish an app using Azure CLI, see [Publish an ASP.NET Core app to Azure with command line tools](/azure/app-service/app-service-web-get-started-dotnet).
Right-click on the project in **Solution Explorer** and select **Publish**. Confirm that **Create new** is checked in the **Pick a publish target** dialog, and select **Publish**.
* Creates a Publish Profile containing publish settings.
* Creates or uses an existing *Azure Web App* with the provided details.
* Publishes the app.
* Launches a browser, with the published web app loaded.
Notice the format of the URL for the app is *{app name}.azurewebsites.net*. For example, an app named `SignalRChattR` has a URL that looks like `https://signalrchattr.azurewebsites.net`.
ASP.NET Core SignalR apps that are published as an Azure Web App must have [ARR Affinity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Application_Request_Routing) enabled. [WebSockets](xref:fundamentals/websockets) should be enabled, to allow the WebSockets transport to function.
In the Azure portal, navigate to **App Settings** for your web app. Set **WebSockets** to **On**, and verify **ARR Affinity** is **On**.
![Azure Web app settings in the Azure portal](publish-to-azure-web-app/_static/azure-web-app-settings.png)
WebSockets and other transports [are limited based on the App Service Plan](/azure/azure-subscription-service-limits#app-service-limits).