Websites often consist of individual web apps working together. To provide a single sign-on (SSO) experience, web apps within a site must share authentication cookies. To support this scenario, the data protection stack allows sharing Katana cookie authentication and ASP.NET Core cookie authentication tickets.
* A common app name is used to enable the data protection system to share data protection keys (`SharedCookieApp`).
*`Identity.Application` is used as the authentication scheme. Whatever scheme is used, it must be used consistently *within and across* the shared cookie apps either as the default scheme or by explicitly setting it. The scheme is used when encrypting and decrypting cookies, so a consistent scheme must be used across apps.
* A common [data protection key](xref:security/data-protection/implementation/key-management) storage location is used.
* In ASP.NET Core apps, <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionBuilderExtensions.PersistKeysToFileSystem*> is used to set the key storage location.
* In .NET Framework apps, Cookie Authentication Middleware uses an implementation of <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionProvider>. `DataProtectionProvider` provides data protection services for the encryption and decryption of authentication cookie payload data. The `DataProtectionProvider` instance is isolated from the data protection system used by other parts of the app. [DataProtectionProvider.Create(System.IO.DirectoryInfo, Action\<IDataProtectionBuilder>)](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionProvider.Create*) accepts a <xref:System.IO.DirectoryInfo> to specify the location for data protection key storage.
*`DataProtectionProvider` requires the [Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Extensions]( NuGet package:
* In ASP.NET Core 2.x apps, reference the [Microsoft.AspNetCore.App metapackage](xref:fundamentals/metapackage-app).
* In .NET Framework apps, add a package reference to [Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Extensions](
*<xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionBuilderExtensions.SetApplicationName*> sets the common app name.
* Data protection keys and the app name must be shared among apps. A common key storage location is provided to the <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionBuilderExtensions.PersistKeysToFileSystem*> method in the following examples. Use <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionBuilderExtensions.SetApplicationName*> to configure a common shared app name (`SharedCookieApp` in the following examples). For more information, see <xref:security/data-protection/configuration/overview>.
* Use the <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IdentityServiceCollectionExtensions.ConfigureApplicationCookie*> extension method to set up the data protection service for cookies.
When using cookies directly without ASP.NET Core Identity, configure data protection and authentication in `Startup.ConfigureServices`. In the following example, the authentication type is set to `Identity.Application`:
An authentication cookie uses the [HttpRequest.PathBase](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.PathBase) as its default [Cookie.Path](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Path). If the app's cookie must be shared across different base paths, `Path` must be overridden:
.PersistKeysToFileSystem("{PATH TO COMMON KEY RING FOLDER}")
When hosting apps that share cookies across subdomains, specify a common domain in the [Cookie.Domain](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieBuilder.Domain) property. To share cookies across apps at ``, such as `` and ``, specify the `Cookie.Domain` as ``:
For production deployments, configure the `DataProtectionProvider` to encrypt keys at rest with DPAPI or an X509Certificate. For more information, see <xref:security/data-protection/implementation/key-encryption-at-rest>. In the following example, a certificate thumbprint is provided to <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.DataProtectionBuilderExtensions.ProtectKeysWithCertificate*>:
ASP.NET 4.x apps that use Katana Cookie Authentication Middleware can be configured to generate authentication cookies that are compatible with the ASP.NET Core Cookie Authentication Middleware. This allows upgrading a large site's individual apps in several steps while providing a smooth SSO experience across the site.
When an app uses Katana Cookie Authentication Middleware, it calls `UseCookieAuthentication` in the project's *Startup.Auth.cs* file. ASP.NET 4.x web app projects created with Visual Studio 2013 and later use the Katana Cookie Authentication Middleware by default. Although `UseCookieAuthentication` is obsolete and unsupported for ASP.NET Core apps, calling `UseCookieAuthentication` in an ASP.NET 4.x app that uses Katana Cookie Authentication Middleware is valid.
To share authentication cookies between an ASP.NET 4.x app and an ASP.NET Core app, configure the ASP.NET Core app as stated in the [Share authentication cookies among ASP.NET Core apps](#share-authentication-cookies-with-aspnet-core-identity) section, then configure the ASP.NET 4.x app as follows.
Confirm that the app's packages are updated to the latest releases. Install the [Microsoft.Owin.Security.Interop]( package into each ASP.NET 4.x app.
If not setting `` and ``, set <xref:System.Web.Helpers.AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier> to a claim that distinguishes unique users.
When generating a user identity, the authentication type (`Identity.Application`) must match the type defined in `AuthenticationType` set with `UseCookieAuthentication` in *App_Start/Startup.Auth.cs*.
When apps use the same Identity schema (same version of Identity), confirm that the Identity system for each app is pointed at the same user database. Otherwise, the identity system produces failures at runtime when it attempts to match the information in the authentication cookie against the information in its database.
When the Identity schema is different among apps, usually because apps are using different Identity versions, sharing a common database based on the latest version of Identity isn't possible without remapping and adding columns in other app's Identity schemas. It's often more efficient to upgrade the other apps to use the latest Identity version so that a common database can be shared by the apps.