This article shows how to upgrade an ASP.NET Framework MVC or Web API app to ASP.NET Core MVC using the Visual Studio [.NET Upgrade Assistant]( and the [incremental update](xref:migration/inc/overview) approach.
If your .NET Framework project has supporting libraries in the solution that are required, they should be upgraded to .NET Standard 2.0, if possible. For more information, see [Upgrade supporting libraries](/aspnet/core/migration/inc/start#upgrade-supporting-libraries).
1. In **Solution Explorer**, right click on the project to upgrade and select **Upgrade**. Select **Side-by-side incremental project upgrade**, which is the only upgrade option.
1. For the upgrade target, select **New project**.
1. Name the project and select the template. If the project you're migrating is a API project, select **ASP.NET Core Web API**. If it's an MVC project or MVC and Web API, select **ASP.NET Core MVC**.
1. Select the target framework version and then select **Next**. For more information, see [.NET and .NET Core Support Policy](
1. The **Summary** step displays **`<Framework Project>` is now connected to `<Framework ProjectCore>` via Yarp proxy.** and a pie chart showing the migrated endpoints. Select **Upgrade Controller** and then select a controller to upgrade.
1. Select the component to upgrade, then select **Upgrade selection**.
## Incremental update
Follow the steps in [Get started with incremental ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core migration](/aspnet/core/migration/inc/start) to continue the update process.