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2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
title: JsonPatch in ASP.NET Core web API
2019-08-22 23:46:35 +08:00
author: rick-anderson
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
description: Learn how to handle JSON Patch requests in an ASP.NET Core web API.
2019-08-22 23:46:35 +08:00 riande
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
ms.custom: mvc 04/02/2020
2020-08-08 08:55:26 +08:00
no-loc: [cookie, Cookie, Blazor, "Blazor Server", "Blazor WebAssembly", "Identity", "Let's Encrypt", Razor, SignalR]
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
uid: web-api/jsonpatch
# JsonPatch in ASP.NET Core web API
By [Tom Dykstra]( and [Kirk Larkin](
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
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This article explains how to handle JSON Patch requests in an ASP.NET Core web API.
## Package installation
To enable JSON Patch support in your app, complete the following steps:
2020-05-19 05:53:19 +08:00
1. Install the [`Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson`]( NuGet package.
1. Update the project's `Startup.ConfigureServices` method to call <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.NewtonsoftJsonMvcBuilderExtensions.AddNewtonsoftJson*>. For example:
`AddNewtonsoftJson` is compatible with the MVC service registration methods:
* <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.MvcServiceCollectionExtensions.AddRazorPages*>
* <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.MvcServiceCollectionExtensions.AddControllersWithViews*>
* <xref:Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.MvcServiceCollectionExtensions.AddControllers*>
## JSON Patch, AddNewtonsoftJson, and System.Text.Json
`AddNewtonsoftJson` replaces the `System.Text.Json`-based input and output formatters used for formatting **all** JSON content. To add support for JSON Patch using `Newtonsoft.Json`, while leaving the other formatters unchanged, update the project's `Startup.ConfigureServices` method as follows:
The preceding code requires the `Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.NewtonsoftJson` package and the following `using` statements:
## PATCH HTTP request method
The PUT and [PATCH]( methods are used to update an existing resource. The difference between them is that PUT replaces the entire resource, while PATCH specifies only the changes.
## JSON Patch
[JSON Patch]( is a format for specifying updates to be applied to a resource. A JSON Patch document has an array of *operations*. Each operation identifies a particular type of change. Examples of such changes include adding an array element or replacing a property value.
For example, the following JSON documents represent a resource, a JSON Patch document for the resource, and the result of applying the Patch operations.
### Resource example
### JSON patch example
In the preceding JSON:
* The `op` property indicates the type of operation.
* The `path` property indicates the element to update.
* The `value` property provides the new value.
### Resource after patch
Here's the resource after applying the preceding JSON Patch document:
"customerName": "Barry",
"orders": [
"orderName": "Order0",
"orderType": null
"orderName": "Order1",
"orderType": null
"orderName": "Order2",
"orderType": null
The changes made by applying a JSON Patch document to a resource are atomic. If any operation in the list fails, no operation in the list is applied.
## Path syntax
The [path]( property of an operation object has slashes between levels. For example, `"/address/zipCode"`.
Zero-based indexes are used to specify array elements. The first element of the `addresses` array would be at `/addresses/0`. To `add` to the end of an array, use a hyphen (`-`) rather than an index number: `/addresses/-`.
### Operations
The following table shows supported operations as defined in the [JSON Patch specification](
|Operation | Notes |
| `add` | Add a property or array element. For existing property: set value.|
| `remove` | Remove a property or array element. |
| `replace` | Same as `remove` followed by `add` at same location. |
| `move` | Same as `remove` from source followed by `add` to destination using value from source. |
| `copy` | Same as `add` to destination using value from source. |
| `test` | Return success status code if value at `path` = provided `value`.|
## JSON Patch in ASP.NET Core
The ASP.NET Core implementation of JSON Patch is provided in the [Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch]( NuGet package.
## Action method code
In an API controller, an action method for JSON Patch:
* Is annotated with the `HttpPatch` attribute.
* Accepts a `JsonPatchDocument<T>`, typically with `[FromBody]`.
* Calls `ApplyTo` on the patch document to apply the changes.
Here's an example:
This code from the sample app works with the following `Customer` model:
The sample action method:
* Constructs a `Customer`.
* Applies the patch.
* Returns the result in the body of the response.
In a real app, the code would retrieve the data from a store such as a database and update the database after applying the patch.
### Model state
The preceding action method example calls an overload of `ApplyTo` that takes model state as one of its parameters. With this option, you can get error messages in responses. The following example shows the body of a 400 Bad Request response for a `test` operation:
"Customer": [
"The current value 'John' at path 'customerName' is not equal to the test value 'Nancy'."
### Dynamic objects
The following action method example shows how to apply a patch to a dynamic object:
## The add operation
* If `path` points to an array element: inserts new element before the one specified by `path`.
* If `path` points to a property: sets the property value.
* If `path` points to a nonexistent location:
* If the resource to patch is a dynamic object: adds a property.
* If the resource to patch is a static object: the request fails.
The following sample patch document sets the value of `CustomerName` and adds an `Order` object to the end of the `Orders` array.
## The remove operation
* If `path` points to an array element: removes the element.
* If `path` points to a property:
* If resource to patch is a dynamic object: removes the property.
* If resource to patch is a static object:
* If the property is nullable: sets it to null.
* If the property is non-nullable, sets it to `default<T>`.
The following sample patch document sets `CustomerName` to null and deletes `Orders[0]`:
## The replace operation
This operation is functionally the same as a `remove` followed by an `add`.
The following sample patch document sets the value of `CustomerName` and replaces `Orders[0]`with a new `Order` object:
## The move operation
* If `path` points to an array element: copies `from` element to location of `path` element, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` element.
* If `path` points to a property: copies value of `from` property to `path` property, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` property.
* If `path` points to a nonexistent property:
* If the resource to patch is a static object: the request fails.
* If the resource to patch is a dynamic object: copies `from` property to location indicated by `path`, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` property.
The following sample patch document:
* Copies the value of `Orders[0].OrderName` to `CustomerName`.
* Sets `Orders[0].OrderName` to null.
* Moves `Orders[1]` to before `Orders[0]`.
## The copy operation
This operation is functionally the same as a `move` operation without the final `remove` step.
The following sample patch document:
* Copies the value of `Orders[0].OrderName` to `CustomerName`.
* Inserts a copy of `Orders[1]` before `Orders[0]`.
## The test operation
If the value at the location indicated by `path` is different from the value provided in `value`, the request fails. In that case, the whole PATCH request fails even if all other operations in the patch document would otherwise succeed.
The `test` operation is commonly used to prevent an update when there's a concurrency conflict.
The following sample patch document has no effect if the initial value of `CustomerName` is "John", because the test fails:
## Get the code
[View or download sample code]( ([How to download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample)).
To test the sample, run the app and send HTTP requests with the following settings:
* URL: `http://localhost:{port}/jsonpatch/jsonpatchwithmodelstate`
* HTTP method: `PATCH`
* Header: `Content-Type: application/json-patch+json`
* Body: Copy and paste one of the JSON patch document samples from the *JSON* project folder.
## Additional resources
* [IETF RFC 5789 PATCH method specification](
* [IETF RFC 6902 JSON Patch specification](
* [IETF RFC 6901 JSON Patch path format spec](
* [JSON Patch documentation]( Includes links to resources for creating JSON Patch documents.
* [ASP.NET Core JSON Patch source code](
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This article explains how to handle JSON Patch requests in an ASP.NET Core web API.
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
## PATCH HTTP request method
The PUT and [PATCH]( methods are used to update an existing resource. The difference between them is that PUT replaces the entire resource, while PATCH specifies only the changes.
## JSON Patch
[JSON Patch]( is a format for specifying updates to be applied to a resource. A JSON Patch document has an array of *operations*. Each operation identifies a particular type of change, such as add an array element or replace a property value.
For example, the following JSON documents represent a resource, a JSON patch document for the resource, and the result of applying the patch operations.
### Resource example
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
### JSON patch example
In the preceding JSON:
* The `op` property indicates the type of operation.
* The `path` property indicates the element to update.
* The `value` property provides the new value.
### Resource after patch
Here's the resource after applying the preceding JSON Patch document:
"customerName": "Barry",
"orders": [
"orderName": "Order0",
"orderType": null
"orderName": "Order1",
"orderType": null
"orderName": "Order2",
"orderType": null
The changes made by applying a JSON Patch document to a resource are atomic: if any operation in the list fails, no operation in the list is applied.
## Path syntax
2019-07-11 10:36:05 +08:00
The [path]( property of an operation object has slashes between levels. For example, `"/address/zipCode"`.
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
Zero-based indexes are used to specify array elements. The first element of the `addresses` array would be at `/addresses/0`. To `add` to the end of an array, use a hyphen (-) rather than an index number: `/addresses/-`.
### Operations
The following table shows supported operations as defined in the [JSON Patch specification](
|Operation | Notes |
| `add` | Add a property or array element. For existing property: set value.|
| `remove` | Remove a property or array element. |
| `replace` | Same as `remove` followed by `add` at same location. |
| `move` | Same as `remove` from source followed by `add` to destination using value from source. |
| `copy` | Same as `add` to destination using value from source. |
| `test` | Return success status code if value at `path` = provided `value`.|
## JsonPatch in ASP.NET Core
The ASP.NET Core implementation of JSON Patch is provided in the [Microsoft.AspNetCore.JsonPatch]( NuGet package. The package is included in the [Microsoft.AspnetCore.App](xref:fundamentals/metapackage-app) metapackage.
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
## Action method code
In an API controller, an action method for JSON Patch:
* Is annotated with the `HttpPatch` attribute.
* Accepts a `JsonPatchDocument<T>`, typically with `[FromBody]`.
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
* Calls `ApplyTo` on the patch document to apply the changes.
Here's an example:
This code from the sample app works with the following `Customer` model.
The sample action method:
* Constructs a `Customer`.
* Applies the patch.
* Returns the result in the body of the response.
In a real app, the code would retrieve the data from a store such as a database and update the database after applying the patch.
### Model state
The preceding action method example calls an overload of `ApplyTo` that takes model state as one of its parameters. With this option, you can get error messages in responses. The following example shows the body of a 400 Bad Request response for a `test` operation:
"Customer": [
"The current value 'John' at path 'customerName' is not equal to the test value 'Nancy'."
### Dynamic objects
The following action method example shows how to apply a patch to a dynamic object.
## The add operation
* If `path` points to an array element: inserts new element before the one specified by `path`.
* If `path` points to a property: sets the property value.
* If `path` points to a nonexistent location:
* If the resource to patch is a dynamic object: adds a property.
* If the resource to patch is a static object: the request fails.
The following sample patch document sets the value of `CustomerName` and adds an `Order` object to the end of the `Orders` array.
## The remove operation
* If `path` points to an array element: removes the element.
* If `path` points to a property:
* If resource to patch is a dynamic object: removes the property.
* If resource to patch is a static object:
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
* If the property is nullable: sets it to null.
* If the property is non-nullable, sets it to `default<T>`.
The following sample patch document sets `CustomerName` to null and deletes `Orders[0]`.
## The replace operation
This operation is functionally the same as a `remove` followed by an `add`.
The following sample patch document sets the value of `CustomerName` and replaces `Orders[0]`with a new `Order` object.
## The move operation
* If `path` points to an array element: copies `from` element to location of `path` element, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` element.
* If `path` points to a property: copies value of `from` property to `path` property, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` property.
* If `path` points to a nonexistent property:
* If the resource to patch is a static object: the request fails.
* If the resource to patch is a dynamic object: copies `from` property to location indicated by `path`, then runs a `remove` operation on the `from` property.
The following sample patch document:
* Copies the value of `Orders[0].OrderName` to `CustomerName`.
* Sets `Orders[0].OrderName` to null.
* Moves `Orders[1]` to before `Orders[0]`.
## The copy operation
This operation is functionally the same as a `move` operation without the final `remove` step.
The following sample patch document:
* Copies the value of `Orders[0].OrderName` to `CustomerName`.
* Inserts a copy of `Orders[1]` before `Orders[0]`.
## The test operation
If the value at the location indicated by `path` is different from the value provided in `value`, the request fails. In that case, the whole PATCH request fails even if all other operations in the patch document would otherwise succeed.
The `test` operation is commonly used to prevent an update when there's a concurrency conflict.
The following sample patch document has no effect if the initial value of `CustomerName` is "John", because the test fails:
## Get the code
[View or download sample code]( ([How to download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample)).
2019-04-04 10:18:09 +08:00
To test the sample, run the app and send HTTP requests with the following settings:
* URL: `http://localhost:{port}/jsonpatch/jsonpatchwithmodelstate`
* HTTP method: `PATCH`
* Header: `Content-Type: application/json-patch+json`
* Body: Copy and paste one of the JSON patch document samples from the *JSON* project folder.
## Additional resources
* [IETF RFC 5789 PATCH method specification](
* [IETF RFC 6902 JSON Patch specification](
2019-07-11 10:36:05 +08:00
* [IETF RFC 6901 JSON Patch path format spec](
* [JSON Patch documentation]( Includes links to resources for creating JSON Patch documents.
* [ASP.NET Core JSON Patch source code](
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