Add content on Forwarded Headers Middleware (#5385)

Luke Latham 2018-02-07 17:56:00 -06:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4c7a0ac26a
commit 291f477c56
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,46 @@ Publish the app as a [self-contained deployment](/dotnet/core/deploying/#self-co
A reverse proxy is a common setup for serving dynamic web apps. The reverse proxy terminates the HTTP request and forwards it to the ASP.NET app.
A proxy server is one which forwards client requests to another server instead of fulfilling them itself. A reverse proxy forwards to a fixed destination, typically on behalf of arbitrary clients. In this guide, Apache is configured as the reverse proxy running on the same server that Kestrel is serving the ASP.NET Core app.
A proxy server is one which forwards client requests to another server instead of fulfilling requests itself. A reverse proxy forwards to a fixed destination, typically on behalf of arbitrary clients. In this guide, Apache is configured as the reverse proxy running on the same server that Kestrel is serving the ASP.NET Core app.
Because requests are forwarded by reverse proxy, use the Forwarded Headers Middleware from the [Microsoft.AspNetCore.HttpOverrides]( package. The middleware updates the `Request.Scheme`, using the `X-Forwarded-Proto` header, so that redirect URIs and other security policies work correctly.
When using any type of authentication middleware, the Forwarded Headers Middleware must run first. This ordering ensures that the authentication middleware can consume the header values and generate correct redirect URIs.
# [ASP.NET Core 2.x](#tab/aspnetcore2x)
Invoke the [UseForwardedHeaders](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.forwardedheadersextensions.useforwardedheaders) method in `Startup.Configure` before calling [UseAuthentication](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.authappbuilderextensions.useauthentication) or similar authentication scheme middleware:
app.UseForwardedHeaders(new ForwardedHeadersOptions
ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto
# [ASP.NET Core 1.x](#tab/aspnetcore1x)
Invoke the [UseForwardedHeaders](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.forwardedheadersextensions.useforwardedheaders) method in `Startup.Configure` before calling [UseIdentity](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.builderextensions.useidentity) and [UseFacebookAuthentication](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.facebookappbuilderextensions.usefacebookauthentication) or similar authentication scheme middleware:
app.UseForwardedHeaders(new ForwardedHeadersOptions
ForwardedHeaders = ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedFor | ForwardedHeaders.XForwardedProto
app.UseFacebookAuthentication(new FacebookOptions()
AppId = Configuration["Authentication:Facebook:AppId"],
AppSecret = Configuration["Authentication:Facebook:AppSecret"]
If no [ForwardedHeadersOptions](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.forwardedheadersoptions) are specified to the middleware, the default headers to forward are `None`.
### Install Apache