diff --git a/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring.md b/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring.md
index 4c23f570f6..5e458bd0ed 100644
--- a/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring.md
+++ b/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring.md
@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ That approach works for the attribute "href" as long as it doesn't currently exi
2. Run the app and verify that it generates the correct links.
> [!NOTE]
> If you were to write the email tag self-closing (``), the final output would also be self-closing. To enable the ability to write the tag with only a start tag (``) you must decorate the class with the following:
diff --git a/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro.md b/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro.md
index 788a2e755f..7ad94e6fdc 100644
--- a/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro.md
+++ b/aspnetcore/mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
title: Tag Helpers in ASP.NET Core
author: rick-anderson
-description: Learn what tag helpers are and how to use them in ASP.NET Core.
+description: Learn what Tag Helpers are and how to use them in ASP.NET Core.
ms.author: riande
ms.custom: H1Hack27Feb2017
ms.date: 2/14/2018
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ If you create a new ASP.NET Core web app named *AuthoringTagHelpers*, the follow
-The `@addTagHelper` directive makes Tag Helpers available to the view. In this case, the view file is *Pages/_ViewImports.cshtml*, which by default is inherited by all files in the *Pages* folder and sub-folders; making Tag Helpers available. The code above uses the wildcard syntax ("\*") to specify that all Tag Helpers in the specified assembly (*Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers*) will be available to every view file in the *Views* directory or sub-directory. The first parameter after `@addTagHelper` specifies the Tag Helpers to load (we are using "\*" for all Tag Helpers), and the second parameter "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers" specifies the assembly containing the Tag Helpers. *Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers* is the assembly for the built-in ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers.
+The `@addTagHelper` directive makes Tag Helpers available to the view. In this case, the view file is *Pages/_ViewImports.cshtml*, which by default is inherited by all files in the *Pages* folder and subfolders; making Tag Helpers available. The code above uses the wildcard syntax ("\*") to specify that all Tag Helpers in the specified assembly (*Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers*) will be available to every view file in the *Views* directory or subdirectory. The first parameter after `@addTagHelper` specifies the Tag Helpers to load (we are using "\*" for all Tag Helpers), and the second parameter "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers" specifies the assembly containing the Tag Helpers. *Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.TagHelpers* is the assembly for the built-in ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers.
To expose all of the Tag Helpers in this project (which creates an assembly named *AuthoringTagHelpers*), you would use the following:
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ To add a Tag Helper to a view using an FQN, you first add the FQN (`AuthoringTag
@addTagHelper AuthoringTagHelpers.TagHelpers.Email*, AuthoringTagHelpers
-As mentioned previously, adding the `@addTagHelper` directive to the *Views/_ViewImports.cshtml* file makes the Tag Helper available to all view files in the *Views* directory and sub-directories. You can use the `@addTagHelper` directive in specific view files if you want to opt-in to exposing the Tag Helper to only those views.
+As mentioned previously, adding the `@addTagHelper` directive to the *Views/_ViewImports.cshtml* file makes the Tag Helper available to all view files in the *Views* directory and subdirectories. You can use the `@addTagHelper` directive in specific view files if you want to opt-in to exposing the Tag Helper to only those views.
@@ -126,6 +126,10 @@ In the code image below, the Tag Helper prefix is set to `th:`, so only those el
The same hierarchy rules that apply to `@addTagHelper` also apply to `@tagHelperPrefix`.
+## Self-closing Tag Helpers
+Many Tag Helpers can't be used as self-closing tags. Some Tag Helpers are designed to be self-closing tags. Using a Tag Helper that was not designed to be self-closing suppresses the rendered output. Self-closing a Tag Helper results in a self-closing tag in the rendered output. For more information, see [this note](xref:mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring#self-closing) in [Authoring Tag Helpers](xref:mvc/views/tag-helpers/authoring).
## IntelliSense support for Tag Helpers
When you create a new ASP.NET Core web app in Visual Studio, it adds the NuGet package "Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.Tools". This is the package that adds Tag Helper tooling.