Update IIS index.md (#9463)

More for #9441 with a bit of refactoring.

- IISServerOptions (inproc) are unique from IISOptions (out of proc)
- Move HTTP/2 topic lower in the document (flow felt off by having it before how to enable IISIntegration)
- Remove stop/starting app pool in favor of dropping app_offline (@shirhatti for thoughts)
- Generalize addressing AspNetCore behind IIS (remove reverse proxy stuff).
Justin Kotalik 2018-11-06 20:18:14 -08:00 committed by Scott Addie
parent 346721a118
commit a6b77c370c
1 changed files with 110 additions and 80 deletions

View File

@ -24,56 +24,13 @@ The following operating systems are supported:
For information on hosting in Azure, see <xref:host-and-deploy/azure-apps/index>.
## HTTP/2 support
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
[HTTP/2](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html) is supported with ASP.NET Core in the following IIS deployment scenarios:
* In-process
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* Target framework: .NET Core 2.2 or later
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
* Out-of-process
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* Public-facing edge server connections use HTTP/2, but the reverse proxy connection to the [Kestrel server](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) uses HTTP/1.1.
* Target framework: Not applicable to out-of-process deployments, since the HTTP/2 connection is handled entirely by IIS.
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
For an in-process deployment when an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/2`. For an out-of-process deployment when an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/1.1`.
For more information on the in-process and out-of-process hosting models, see the <xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module> topic and the <xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module>.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< aspnetcore-2.2"
[HTTP/2](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html) is supported for out-of-process deployments that meet the following base requirements:
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* Public-facing edge server connections use HTTP/2, but the reverse proxy connection to the [Kestrel server](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) uses HTTP/1.1.
* Target framework: Not applicable to out-of-process deployments, since the HTTP/2 connection is handled entirely by IIS.
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
If an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/1.1`.
::: moniker-end
HTTP/2 is enabled by default. Connections fall back to HTTP/1.1 if an HTTP/2 connection isn't established. For more information on HTTP/2 configuration with IIS deployments, see [HTTP/2 on IIS](/iis/get-started/whats-new-in-iis-10/http2-on-iis).
## Application configuration
### Enable the IISIntegration components
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.1"
**In-process hosting model**
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host. `CreateDefaultBuilder` calls the `UseIIS` method to boot the [CoreCLR](/dotnet/standard/glossary#coreclr) and host the app inside of the IIS worker process (`w3wp.exe`). Performance tests indicate that hosting a .NET Core app in-process delivers higher request throughput compared to hosting the app out-of-process and proxying requests to [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel).
**Out-of-process hosting model**
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host. For out-of-process hosting with IIS, `CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module):
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host:
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
@ -81,6 +38,30 @@ public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="= aspnetcore-2.0"
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host:
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
**In-process hosting model**
`CreateDefaultBuilder` calls the `UseIIS` method to boot the [CoreCLR](/dotnet/standard/glossary#coreclr) and host the app inside of the IIS worker process (*w3wp.exe* or *iisexpress.exe*). Performance tests indicate that hosting a .NET Core app in-process delivers significantly higher request throughput compared to hosting the app out-of-process and proxying requests to [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel).
**Out-of-process hosting model**
For out-of-process hosting with IIS, `CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module).
The ASP.NET Core Module generates a dynamic port to assign to the backend process. `CreateDefaultBuilder` calls the <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.WebHostBuilderIISExtensions.UseIISIntegration*> method. `UseIISIntegration` configures Kestrel to listen on the dynamic port at the localhost IP address (``). If the dynamic port is 1234, Kestrel listens at ``. This configuration replaces other URL configurations provided by:
* `UseUrls`
@ -89,19 +70,13 @@ The ASP.NET Core Module generates a dynamic port to assign to the backend proces
Calls to `UseUrls` or Kestrel's `Listen` API aren't required when using the module. If `UseUrls` or `Listen` is called, Kestrel listens on the ports specified only when running the app without IIS.
For more information on the in-process and out-of-process hosting models, see the <xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module> topic and the <xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module>.
For more information on the in-process and out-of-process hosting models, see [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module) and [ASP.NET Core Module configuration reference](xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module).
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="= aspnetcore-2.1"
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host. `CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module):
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
`CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module).
The ASP.NET Core Module generates a dynamic port to assign to the backend process. `CreateDefaultBuilder` calls the [UseIISIntegration](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.webhostbuilderiisextensions.useiisintegration) method. `UseIISIntegration` configures Kestrel to listen on the dynamic port at the localhost IP address (``). If the dynamic port is 1234, Kestrel listens at ``. This configuration replaces other URL configurations provided by:
@ -115,13 +90,7 @@ Calls to `UseUrls` or Kestrel's `Listen` API aren't required when using the modu
::: moniker range="= aspnetcore-2.0"
A typical *Program.cs* calls <xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder*> to begin setting up a host. `CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module):
public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
`CreateDefaultBuilder` configures [Kestrel](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) as the web server and enables IIS integration by configuring the base path and port for the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module).
The ASP.NET Core Module generates a dynamic port to assign to the backend process. `CreateDefaultBuilder` calls the [UseIISIntegration](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.webhostbuilderiisextensions.useiisintegration) method. `UseIISIntegration` configures Kestrel to listen on the dynamic port at the localhost IP address (`localhost`). If the dynamic port is 1234, Kestrel listens at `localhost:1234`. This configuration replaces other URL configurations provided by:
@ -161,7 +130,29 @@ For more information on hosting, see [Host in ASP.NET Core](xref:fundamentals/ho
### IIS options
To configure IIS options, include a service configuration for [IISOptions](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.iisoptions) in [ConfigureServices](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.istartup.configureservices). In the following example, forwarding client certificates to the app to populate `HttpContext.Connection.ClientCertificate` is disabled:
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
**In-process hosting model**
To configure IIS Server options, include a service configuration for [IISServerOptions](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.iisserveroptions) in [ConfigureServices](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.istartup.configureservices). The following example disables AutomaticAuthentication:
services.Configure<IISServerOptions>(options =>
options.AutomaticAuthentication = false;
| Option | Default | Setting |
| ------------------------------ | :-----: | ------- |
| `AutomaticAuthentication` | `true` | If `true`, IIS Server sets the `HttpContext.User` authenticated by [Windows Authentication](xref:security/authentication/windowsauth). If `false`, the server only provides an identity for `HttpContext.User` and responds to challenges when explicitly requested by the `AuthenticationScheme`. Windows Authentication must be enabled in IIS for `AutomaticAuthentication` to function. For more information, see [Windows Authentication](xref:security/authentication/windowsauth). |
| `AuthenticationDisplayName` | `null` | Sets the display name shown to users on login pages. |
**Out-of-process hosting model**
::: moniker-end
To configure IIS options, include a service configuration for [IISOptions](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.builder.iisoptions) in [ConfigureServices](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.hosting.istartup.configureservices). The following example prevents the app from populating `HttpContext.Connection.ClientCertificate`:
services.Configure<IISOptions>(options =>
@ -206,7 +197,7 @@ When disabling the Web SDK from transforming the file, the *processPath* and *ar
### web.config file location
In order to create the reverse proxy between IIS and the Kestrel server, the *web.config* file must be present at the content root path (typically the app base path) of the deployed app. This is the same location as the website physical path provided to IIS. The *web.config* file is required at the root of the app to enable the publishing of multiple apps using Web Deploy.
In order to set up the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module) correctly, the *web.config* file must be present at the content root path (typically the app base path) of the deployed app. This is the same location as the website physical path provided to IIS. The *web.config* file is required at the root of the app to enable the publishing of multiple apps using Web Deploy.
Sensitive files exist on the app's physical path, such as *\<assembly>.runtimeconfig.json*, *\<assembly>.xml* (XML Documentation comments), and *\<assembly>.deps.json*. When the *web.config* file is present and and the site starts normally, IIS doesn't serve these sensitive files if they're requested. If the *web.config* file is missing, incorrectly named, or unable to configure the site for normal startup, IIS may serve sensitive files publicly.
@ -260,7 +251,7 @@ Enable the **IIS Management Console** and **World Wide Web Services**.
## Install the .NET Core Hosting Bundle
Install the *.NET Core Hosting Bundle* on the hosting system. The bundle installs the .NET Core Runtime, .NET Core Library, and the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module). The module creates the reverse proxy between IIS and the Kestrel server. If the system doesn't have an Internet connection, obtain and install the [Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=53840) before installing the .NET Core Hosting Bundle.
Install the *.NET Core Hosting Bundle* on the hosting system. The bundle installs the .NET Core Runtime, .NET Core Library, and the [ASP.NET Core Module](xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module). The module allows ASP.NET Core apps to run behind IIS. If the system doesn't have an Internet connection, obtain and install the [Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable](https://www.microsoft.com/download/details.aspx?id=53840) before installing the .NET Core Hosting Bundle.
> If the Hosting Bundle is installed before IIS, the bundle installation must be repaired. Run the Hosting Bundle installer again after installing IIS.
@ -367,30 +358,19 @@ Files in the deployment folder are locked when the app is running. Locked files
* Use Web Deploy and reference `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web` in the project file. An *app_offline.htm* file is placed at the root of the web app directory. When the file is present, the ASP.NET Core Module gracefully shuts down the app and serves the *app_offline.htm* file during the deployment. For more information, see the [ASP.NET Core Module configuration reference](xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module#app_offlinehtm).
* Manually stop the app pool in the IIS Manager on the server.
* Use PowerShell to stop and restart the app pool (requires PowerShell 5 or later):
* Use PowerShell to drop *app_offline.html* (requires PowerShell 5 or later):
$webAppPoolName = 'APP_POOL_NAME'
$pathToApp = 'PATH_TO_APP'
# Stop the AppPool
if((Get-WebAppPoolState $webAppPoolName).Value -ne 'Stopped') {
Stop-WebAppPool -Name $webAppPoolName
while((Get-WebAppPoolState $webAppPoolName).Value -ne 'Stopped') {
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Host `-AppPool Stopped
New-Item -Path $pathToApp app_offline.htm
# Provide script commands here to deploy the app
# Restart the AppPool
if((Get-WebAppPoolState $webAppPoolName).Value -ne 'Started') {
Start-WebAppPool -Name $webAppPoolName
while((Get-WebAppPoolState $webAppPoolName).Value -ne 'Started') {
Start-Sleep -s 1
Write-Host `-AppPool Started
Remove-Item -Path $pathToApp app_offline.htm
## Data protection
@ -486,7 +466,22 @@ ASP.NET Core apps are configured using other configuration providers. For more i
## Application Pools
When hosting multiple websites on a server, we recommend isolating the apps from each other by running each app in its own app pool. The IIS **Add Website** dialog defaults to this configuration. When **Site name** is provided, the text is automatically transferred to the **Application pool** textbox. A new app pool is created using the site name when the site is added.
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
App pool isolation is determined by the hosting model:
* In-process hosting &ndash; Apps are required to run in separate app pools.
* Out-of-process hosting &ndash; We recommend isolating the apps from each other by running each app in its own app pool.
The IIS **Add Website** dialog defaults to a single app pool per app. When a **Site name** is provided, the text is automatically transferred to the **Application pool** textbox. A new app pool is created using the site name when the site is added.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< aspnetcore-2.2"
When hosting multiple websites on a server, we recommend isolating the apps from each other by running each app in its own app pool. The IIS **Add Website** dialog defaults to this configuration. When a **Site name** is provided, the text is automatically transferred to the **Application pool** textbox. A new app pool is created using the site name when the site is added.
::: moniker-end
## Application Pool Identity
@ -524,6 +519,41 @@ ICACLS C:\sites\MyWebApp /grant "IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool":F
For more information, see the [icacls](/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/icacls) topic.
## HTTP/2 support
::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.2"
[HTTP/2](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html) is supported with ASP.NET Core in the following IIS deployment scenarios:
* In-process
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
* Out-of-process
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* Public-facing edge server connections use HTTP/2, but the reverse proxy connection to the [Kestrel server](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) uses HTTP/1.1.
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
For an in-process deployment when an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/2`. For an out-of-process deployment when an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/1.1`.
For more information on the in-process and out-of-process hosting models, see the <xref:fundamentals/servers/aspnet-core-module> topic and the <xref:host-and-deploy/aspnet-core-module>.
::: moniker-end
::: moniker range="< aspnetcore-2.2"
[HTTP/2](https://httpwg.org/specs/rfc7540.html) is supported for out-of-process deployments that meet the following base requirements:
* Windows Server 2016/Windows 10 or later; IIS 10 or later
* Public-facing edge server connections use HTTP/2, but the reverse proxy connection to the [Kestrel server](xref:fundamentals/servers/kestrel) uses HTTP/1.1.
* Target framework: Not applicable to out-of-process deployments, since the HTTP/2 connection is handled entirely by IIS.
* TLS 1.2 or later connection
If an HTTP/2 connection is established, [HttpRequest.Protocol](xref:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpRequest.Protocol*) reports `HTTP/1.1`.
::: moniker-end
HTTP/2 is enabled by default. Connections fall back to HTTP/1.1 if an HTTP/2 connection isn't established. For more information on HTTP/2 configuration with IIS deployments, see [HTTP/2 on IIS](/iis/get-started/whats-new-in-iis-10/http2-on-iis).
## Deployment resources for IIS administrators
Learn about IIS in-depth in the IIS documentation.