diff --git a/aspnetcore/mvc/models/model-binding.md b/aspnetcore/mvc/models/model-binding.md
index 3f87461d22..35ed93ffb9 100644
--- a/aspnetcore/mvc/models/model-binding.md
+++ b/aspnetcore/mvc/models/model-binding.md
@@ -379,8 +379,41 @@ For `Dictionary` targets, model binding looks for matches to *parameter_name* or
* selectedCourses["1050"]="Chemistry"
* selectedCourses["2000"]="Economics"
+::: moniker range="> aspnetcore-5.0"
+## Constructor binding and record types
+Model binding requires that complex types have a parameterless constructor. Both `System.Text.Json` and `Newtonsoft.Json` based input formatters support deserialization of classes that do not have a parameterless constructor.
+C# 9 introduces record types which are a great way to succintly represent data over the network. ASP.NET Core adds support for model binding and validating record types with a single constructor.
+public record Person([Required] string Name, [Range(0, 150)] int Age);
+public class PersonController
+ public IActionResult Index() => View();
+ [HttpPost]
+ public IActionResult Index(Person person)
+ {
+ // ...
+ }
+// Person/Index.cshtml
+@model Person
+When validating record types, the runtime looks for validation metadata specifically on parameters rather than on properties.
+::: moniker-end
## Globalization behavior of model binding route data and query strings
The ASP.NET Core route value provider and query string value provider: