@JunTaoLuo Dan calls out the implicit versioning "for 2.1 SDK or later;" however, we don't usually version the doc content by SDK release. We might need to say something for this update in the passage that I'm adding to the All topic (*aspnetcore/fundamentals/*) about which SDK version this applies to. I don't know if that's something that you would like to do or what version to call out.
I also remove the version from the samples. We also assume that devs are using the latest SDK with our samples.
I will not lie: this was not enjoyable. With the realization that this page might be shuffled around to a new spot in the TOC, it was a delicate act balancing Razor pages and traditional MVC without getting too intrusive about it.
As such, I:
* Included a note at the top of the document outlining the subtle differences, so I can just casually reference them later and don't have to explain which is which
* Replaced wording of "views" with "pages or views"
* Changed controller wording to "the folder where the handler method (or controller) exists."
I also updated the *_Layout.cshtml* sample file. It's a little different, two years later.
I expect some back-and-forth about this—let me know what you think, @Rick-Anderson.