This change is necessary in case await _context. SaveChangesAsync (); will throw an exception and you will need to return the page back with the previously entered data, so as not to start typing again. If you leave it as it is, then when you try to save the changes, it gives an error that "An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'source')"
* 5.0 refactoring
* JL PR of EF-RP best practices
* JL PR of EF-RP best practices
* JL PR of EF-RP best practices
* JL PR of EF-RP best practices
* JL PR of EF-RP best practices
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* Update Create.cshtml.cs (#21784)
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* Update aspnetcore/data/ef-rp/intro/samples/cu50/Pages/Instructors/Create.cshtml.cs
* Update Create.cshtml.cs
* work
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* work
Co-authored-by: Jeremy Likness <>
Localization team has reported source content issue that causes localized version to have broken/different format compared to en-us version.
Description: Corrupted characters in article
@JunTaoLuo Dan calls out the implicit versioning "for 2.1 SDK or later;" however, we don't usually version the doc content by SDK release. We might need to say something for this update in the passage that I'm adding to the All topic (*aspnetcore/fundamentals/*) about which SDK version this applies to. I don't know if that's something that you would like to do or what version to call out.
I also remove the version from the samples. We also assume that devs are using the latest SDK with our samples.
Addresses #8579
I might be getting the hang of **_find and replace_** now. 😝
This doesn't touch a couple that ref 2.2.0. I'll tidy those up on after 2.2 RTM.
`<td>@Html.ActionLink("Select", "OnGetAsync", new { courseId = item.CourseID })</td>` throws an error saying:
> Cannot resolve action 'OnGetAsync'
I also fixed a spacing issue
* WIP:EF-RP to 2.1
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