* Update docker-aspnetmvc.md
The current windows container releases appear to have fixed the "localhost" issue that was previously mentioned in this readme. I've updated the article and have made a separate pull request for the referenced ps1 script to also remove the `docker inspect`
* Update the ASP.NET Version included in base image
* UE pass
- updated all www.visualstudio.com urls to visualstudio.microsoft.com (and added campaign ID for downloads from docs.microsoft.com)
- made other obvious fixes to older versions of Visual Studio
- trim whitespace
Contributes to #8848
Addresses https://github.com/aspnet/Docs/issues/7353
Adds `ms.prod` (with a value of `aspnet-framework`) to the ASP.NET conceptual docset's *docfx.json* file. Removes `ms.prod` from the individual docs.
Fix dockerfile example to work with latest microsoft/aspnet version.
This is the minimal change, there are other ways to get the content in the correct place. The latest aspnet docs use a `site_root` argument when creating the image. See https://github.com/Microsoft/aspnet-docker/blob/master/4.6.2/sample/Dockerfile