[Internal Review Topic](
Tiny nits in the app secrets update: "or later" and a couple of comma splices.
What I wrote for another version of this was more explicit. I'm concerned that the current version doesn't tell devs exactly why/how `AddUserSecrets` is added, and it doesn't say that if `CreateDefaultBuilder` isn't used that they'll still need to do it manually.
Starting with ...
> \- Add the user secrets configuration source to the `Startup` constructor:
> Add the user secrets configuration source with a call to \[AddUserSecrets](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.configuration.usersecretsconfigurationextensions.addusersecrets) in the `Startup` constructor:
> \[!code-csharp\[](app-secrets/samples/1.1/UserSecrets/Startup.cs?name=snippet_StartupConstructor&highlight=5-8)]
> ::: moniker-end
> ::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.0"
> When a project calls \[CreateDefaultBuilder](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.webhost.createdefaultbuilder) to initialize a new instance of the host with preconfigured defaults, \[AddUserSecrets](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.configuration.usersecretsconfigurationextensions.addusersecrets) is called when the \[EnvironmentName](/dotnet/api/ is \[Development](/dotnet/api/
> \[!code-csharp\[](app-secrets/samples/2.1/UserSecrets/Program.cs?name=snippet_CreateWebHostBuilder&highlight=2)]
> When `CreateDefaultBuilder` isn't called during host construction, add the user secrets configuration source with a call to \[AddUserSecrets](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.configuration.usersecretsconfigurationextensions.addusersecrets) in the `Startup` constructor:
> \[!code-csharp\[](app-secrets/samples/1.1/UserSecrets/Startup.cs?name=snippet_StartupConstructor&highlight=5-8)]
> ::: moniker-end
Snippet the call to `CreateDefaultBuilder` to show it (line 2 is highlighted) ...
#region snippet_CreateWebHostBuilder
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
... and the sample naming issue remains ("1.1" and "2.1" instead of "1.x" and "2.x").
If anything here looks good, I can mod this branch to make additional updates. Otherwise, nevermind. Just spit-ball'in here.
* UE edit of Razor file compilation doc
* More edits
* Include .NET Framework csproj file
* More edits
* Apply more versioning moniker changes
* More cleanup
* Clarifying TempData cookie encryption
Current wording suggests the possibilty that `Base64UrlTextEncoder` is both encoding and encrypting `TempData`'s cookie data. Clarifying that encryption is handled by a different (and more appropriate) class.
* Removing a "the"
* Minor edits
* Microsoft.AspNetCore.App metapackage
* work
* work
* version number
* work
* react to feedback
* react to feedback
* react to feedback
* react to feedback
* react to feedback
* react to feedback
* Those methods are not defined at the Hub class
The methods below aren't defined at the Hub class but accessible through Clients property like the first three properties (All, Caller, Others) :
| `AllExcept` | Calls a method on all connected clients except for the specified connections |
| `Client` | Calls a method on a specific connected client |
| `Clients` | Calls a method on specific connected clients |
| `Group` | Sends a message to all connections in the specified group |
| `GroupExcept` | Sends a message to all connections in the specified group, except the specified connections |
| `Groups` | Sends a message to multiple groups of connections |
| `OthersInGroup` | Sends a message to a group of connections, excluding the client that invoked the hub method |
| `User` | Sends a message to all connections associated with a specific user |
| `Users` | Sends a message to all connections associated with the specified users |
So I think it might good to move all those methods description to the first table whic talk about `Clients` property.
* Update
Revert to two tables but, for the second table, we specify where the methods come from `Hub.Clients` property.
* CC56109: Extra spaces to avoid loc issues
Hello, @Rick-Anderson,
This proposed file change comes from
Could you review this contribution and help to merge if agreed?
Many thanks in advance.
* Update
* Remove extra space