@JunTaoLuo Dan calls out the implicit versioning "for 2.1 SDK or later;" however, we don't usually version the doc content by SDK release. We might need to say something for this update in the passage that I'm adding to the All topic (*aspnetcore/fundamentals/*) about which SDK version this applies to. I don't know if that's something that you would like to do or what version to call out.
I also remove the version from the samples. We also assume that devs are using the latest SDK with our samples.
Addresses #8579
I might be getting the hang of **_find and replace_** now. 😝
This doesn't touch a couple that ref 2.2.0. I'll tidy those up on after 2.2 RTM.
* Update Startup.cs
This sample causes a FileNotFoundException with Entity Framework Core Migrations - i.e. when executing "dotnet ef migrations add new", the GetEntryAssembly call returns "ef", and "ef.xml" does not exist in the build folder.
* Update Startup.cs
This sample causes a FileNotFoundException with Entity Framework Core Migrations - i.e. when executing "dotnet ef migrations add new", the GetEntryAssembly call returns "ef", and "ef.xml" does not exist in the build folder.
* Update Swagger tutorials for 2.1
* Improve PMC instructions
* Verbiage tweaks
* Fix code highlighting in NSwag tutorial
* Remove unnecessary screenshots
* Apply 2.1 moniker to Swashbuckle tutorial
* Replace line numbers with region name
* NSwag 2.1 sample app updates
* Update Data annotations section of NSwag doc
* Add tip to NSwag doc
* Minor tweaks
* NSwag doc updates
* Fix API ref links
* Add section for adding API info
* Add sentence to Customize section
* Convert H2 heading to H3
* React to feedback