--- no-loc: [Home, Privacy, Kestrel, appsettings.json, "ASP.NET Core Identity", cookie, Cookie, Blazor, "Blazor Server", "Blazor WebAssembly", "Identity", "Let's Encrypt", Razor, SignalR] --- Add the following properties to the `Movie` class: [!code-csharp[](~/tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start/sample/RazorPagesMovie22/Models/Movie.cs?name=snippet1)] The `Movie` class contains: * The `ID` field is required by the database for the primary key. * `[DataType(DataType.Date)]`: The [DataType](xref:System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.DataTypeAttribute) attribute specifies the type of the data (Date). With this attribute: * The user is not required to enter time information in the date field. * Only the date is displayed, not time information. [DataAnnotations](/dotnet/api/system.componentmodel.dataannotations) are covered in a later tutorial.