--- uid: web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/use-aspnet-ajax-cascading-drop-down-control-to-access-a-database title: "Use ASP.NET AJAX Cascading Drop Down Control to Access a Database | Microsoft Docs" author: JoeStagner description: "This video demonstrates how ASP.NET's standard DropDownList can become AJAX-enabled using the CascadingDropDown control extender from the ASP.NET AJAX Contro..." ms.author: riande ms.date: 03/13/2008 ms.assetid: 3c21fefc-6858-40e1-8307-22f68cbd0e31 msc.legacyurl: /web-forms/videos/aspnet-ajax/use-aspnet-ajax-cascading-drop-down-control-to-access-a-database msc.type: video --- Use ASP.NET AJAX Cascading Drop Down Control to Access a Database ==================== by [Joe Stagner](https://github.com/JoeStagner) This video demonstrates how ASP.NET's standard DropDownList can become AJAX-enabled using the CascadingDropDown control extender from the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. You will also see how easy it is for a web form to draw data from a Database. [▶ Watch video (32 minutes)](https://channel9.msdn.com/Blogs/ASP-NET-Site-Videos/use-aspnet-ajax-cascading-drop-down-control-to-access-a-database) > [!div class="step-by-step"] > [Previous](two-simple-techniques-for-triggering-updates-to-update-panels.md) > [Next](implement-infinite-data-patterns-in-ajax.md)