uid: web-pages/overview/api-reference/asp-net-web-pages-api-reference
title: "ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) API Quick Reference | Microsoft Docs"
author: tfitzmac
description: "This page contains a list with brief examples of the most commonly used objects, properties, and methods for programming ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor syntax."
ms.author: aspnetcontent
manager: wpickett
ms.date: 02/10/2014
ms.topic: article
ms.assetid: 4001cb9b-3bfd-4ace-8a89-1561d8421e2c
ms.technology: dotnet-webpages
ms.prod: .net-framework
msc.legacyurl: /web-pages/overview/api-reference/asp-net-web-pages-api-reference
msc.type: authoredcontent
ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) API Quick Reference
by [Tom FitzMacken](https://github.com/tfitzmac)
> This page contains a list with brief examples of the most commonly used objects, properties, and methods for programming ASP.NET Web Pages with Razor syntax.
> Descriptions marked with "(v2)" were introduced in ASP.NET Web Pages version 2.
> For API reference documentation, see the [ASP.NET Web Pages Reference Documentation](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=208659) on MSDN.
> ## Software versions
> - ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) 3
> This tutorial also works with ASP.NET Web Pages 2 and ASP.NET Web Pages 1.0 (except for features marked v2).
This page contains reference information for the following:
- [Classes](#Classes)
- [Data](#Data)
- [Helpers](#Helpers)
- [Validation](#Validation)
## Classes
### `AppState[key], AppState[index],App`
Contains data that can be shared by any pages in the application. You can use the dynamic `App` property to access the same data, as in the following example:
### `AsBool(), AsBool(true|false)`
Converts a string value to a Boolean value (true/false). Returns false or the specified value if the string does not represent true/false.
### `AsDateTime(), AsDateTime(value)`
Converts a string value to date/time. Returns `DateTime.MinValue` or the specified value if the string does not represent a date/time.
### `AsDecimal(), AsDecimal(value)`
Converts a string value to a decimal value. Returns 0.0 or the specified value if the string does not represent a decimal value.
### `AsFloat(), AsFloat(value)`
Converts a string value to a float. Returns 0.0 or the specified value if the string does not represent a decimal value.
### `AsInt(), AsInt(value)`
Converts a string value to an integer. Returns 0 or the specified value if the string does not represent an integer.
### `Href(path [, param1 [, param2]])`
Creates a browser-compatible URL from a local file path, with optional additional path parts.
### `Html.Raw(value)`
Renders *value* as HTML markup instead of rendering it as HTML-encoded output.
### `IsBool(), IsDateTime(), IsDecimal(), IsFloat(), IsInt()`
Returns true if the value can be converted from a string to the specified type.
### `IsEmpty()`
Returns true if the object or variable has no value.
### `IsPost`
Returns true if the request is a POST. (Initial requests are usually a GET.)
### `Layout`
Specifies the path of a layout page to apply to this page.
### `PageData[key], PageData[index],Page`
Contains data shared between the page, layout pages, and partial pages in the current request. You can use the dynamic `Page` property to access the same data, as in the following example:
### `RenderBody()`
(Layout pages) Renders the content of a content page that is not in any named sections.
### `RenderPage(path, values)`
`RenderPage(path[,param1 [, param2]])`
Renders a content page using the specified path and optional extra data. You can get the values of the extra parameters from `PageData` by position (example 1) or key (example 2).
### `RenderSection(sectionName [, required = true|false])`
(Layout pages) Renders a content section that has a name. Set *required* to false to make a section optional.
### `Request.Cookies[key]`
Gets or sets the value of an HTTP cookie.
### `Request.Files[key]`
Gets the files that were uploaded in the current request.
### `Request.Form[key]`
Gets data that was posted in a form (as strings). `Request[key]` checks both the `Request.Form` and the `Request.QueryString` collections.
### `Request.QueryString[key]`
Gets data that was specified in the URL query string. `Request[key]` checks both the `Request.Form` and the `Request.QueryString` collections.
### `Request.Unvalidated(key)`
Selectively disables request validation for a form element, query-string value, cookie, or header value. Request validation is enabled by default and prevents users from posting markup or other potentially dangerous content.
### `Response.AddHeader(name, value)`
Adds an HTTP server header to the response.
### `Response.OutputCache(seconds [, sliding] [, varyByParams])`
Caches the page output for a specified time. Optionally set *sliding* to reset the timeout on each page access and *varyByParams* to cache different versions of the page for each different query string in the page request.
### `Response.Redirect(path)`
Redirects the browser request to a new location.
### `Response.SetStatus(httpStatusCode)`
Sets the HTTP status code sent to the browser.
### `Response.WriteBinary(data [, mimetype])`
Writes the contents of *data* to the response with an optional MIME type.
### `Response.WriteFile(file)`
Writes the contents of a file to the response.
### `@section(sectionName) {content }`
(Layout pages) Defines a content section that has a name.
### `Server.HtmlDecode(htmlText)`
Decodes a string that is HTML encoded.
### `Server.HtmlEncode(text)`
Encodes a string for rendering in HTML markup.
### `Server.MapPath(virtualPath)`
Returns the server physical path for the specified virtual path.
### `Server.UrlDecode(urlText)`
Decodes text from a URL.
### `Server.UrlEncode(text)`
Encodes text to put in a URL.
### `Session[key]`
Gets or sets a value that exists until the user closes the browser.
### `ToString()`
Displays a string representation of the object's value.
### `UrlData[index]`
Gets additional data from the URL (for example, */MyPage/ExtraData*).
### `WebSecurity.ChangePassword(userName,currentPassword,newPassword)`
Changes the password for the specified user.
### `WebSecurity.ConfirmAccount(accountConfirmationToken)`
Confirms an account using the account confirmation token.
### `WebSecurity.CreateAccount(userName, password`
`[, requireConfirmationToken = true|false])`
Creates a new user account with the specified user name and password. To require a confirmation token, pass true for *requireConfirmationToken.*
### `WebSecurity.CurrentUserId`
Gets the integer identifier for the currently logged-in user.
### `WebSecurity.CurrentUserName`
Gets the name for the currently logged-in user.
### `WebSecurity.GeneratePasswordResetToken(username`
`[, tokenExpirationInMinutesFromNow])`
Generates a password-reset token that can be sent in email to a user so that the user can reset the password.
### `WebSecurity.GetUserId(userName)`
Returns the user ID from the user name.
### `WebSecurity.IsAuthenticated`
Returns true if the current user is logged in.
### `WebSecurity.IsConfirmed(userName)`
Returns true if the user has been confirmed (for example, through a confirmation email).
### `WebSecurity.IsCurrentUser(userName)`
Returns true if the current user's name matches the specified user name.
### `WebSecurity.Login(userName,password[, persistCookie])`
Logs the user in by setting an authentication token in the cookie.
### `WebSecurity.Logout()`
Logs the user out by removing the authentication token cookie.
### `WebSecurity.RequireAuthenticatedUser()`
If the user is not authenticated, sets the HTTP status to 401 (Unauthorized).
### `WebSecurity.RequireRoles(roles)`
If the current user is not a member of one of the specified roles, sets the HTTP status to 401 (Unauthorized).
### `WebSecurity.RequireUser(userId)`
If the current user is not the user specified by *username*, sets the HTTP status to 401 (Unauthorized).
### `WebSecurity.ResetPassword(passwordResetToken,newPassword)`
If the password reset token is valid, changes the user's password to the new password.
## Data
### `Database.Execute(SQLstatement [,parameters]`
Executes *SQLstatement* (with optional parameters) such as INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE and returns a count of affected records.
### `Database.GetLastInsertId()`
Returns the identity column from the most recently inserted row.
### `Database.Open(filename)`
Opens either the specified database file or the database specified using a named connection string from the *Web.config* file.
### `Database.OpenConnectionString(connectionString)`
Opens a database using the connection string. (This contrasts with `Database.Open`, which uses a connection string name.)
### `Database.Query(SQLstatement[,parameters])`
Queries the database using *SQLstatement* (optionally passing parameters) and returns the results as a collection.
### `Database.QuerySingle(SQLstatement [, parameters])`
Executes *SQLstatement* (with optional parameters) and returns a single record.
### `Database.QueryValue(SQLstatement [, parameters])`
Executes *SQLstatement* (with optional parameters) and returns a single value.
## Helpers
### `Analytics.GetGoogleHtml(webPropertyId)`
Renders the Google Analytics JavaScript code for the specified ID.
### `Analytics.GetStatCounterHtml(project,security)`
Renders the StatCounter Analytics JavaScript code for the specified project.
### `Analytics.GetYahooHtml(account)`
Renders the Yahoo Analytics JavaScript code for the specified account.
### `Bing.SearchBox([boxWidth])`
Passes a search to Bing. To specify the site to search and a title for the search box, you can set the `Bing.SiteUrl` and `Bing.SiteTitle` properties. Normally you set these properties in the *\_AppStart* page.
### `Chart(width,height [, template] [, templatePath])`
Initializes a chart.
### `Chart.AddLegend([title] [, name])`
Adds a legend to a chart.
### `Chart.AddSeries([name] [, chartType] [, chartArea]`
`[, axisLabel] [, legend] [, markerStep] [, xValue]`
`[, xField] [, yValues] [, yFields] [, options])`
Adds a series of values to the chart.
### `Crypto.Hash(string [, algorithm])`
`Crypto.Hash(bytes [, algorithm])`
Returns a hash for the specified data. The default algorithm is `sha256`.
### `Facebook.LikeButton(href [, buttonLayout] [, showFaces] [, width] [, height]`
`[, action] [, font] [, colorScheme] [, refLabel])`
Lets Facebook users make a connection to pages.
### `FileUpload.GetHtml([initialNumberOfFiles] [, allowMoreFilesToBeAdded]`
`[, includeFormTag] [, addText] [, uploadText])`
Renders UI for uploading files.
### `GamerCard.GetHtml(gamerTag)`
Renders the specified Xbox gamer tag.
### `Gravatar.GetHtml(email [, imageSize] [, defaultImage] [, rating]`
`[, imageExtension] [, attributes])`
Renders the Gravatar image for the specified email address.
### `Json.Encode(object)`
Converts a data object to a string in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format.
### `Json.Decode(string)`
Converts a JSON-encoded input string to a data object that you can iterate over or insert into a database.
### `LinkShare.GetHtml(pageTitle[, pageLinkBack] [, twitterUserName]`
`[, additionalTweetText] [, linkSites])`
Renders social networking links using the specified title and optional URL.
### `ModelStateDictionary.AddError(key, errorMessage)`
Associates an error message with a form field. Use the `ModelState` helper to access this member.
### `ModelStateDictionary.AddFormError(errorMessage)`
Associates an error message with a form. Use the `ModelState` helper to access this member.
### `ModelStateDictionary.IsValid`
Returns true if there are no validation errors. Use the `ModelState` helper to access this member.
### `ObjectInfo.Print(value [, depth] [, enumerationLength])`
Renders the properties and values of an object and any child objects.
### `Recaptcha.GetHtml([, publicKey] [, theme] [, language] [, tabIndex])`
Renders the reCAPTCHA verification test.
### `ReCaptcha.PublicKey`
Sets public and private keys for the reCAPTCHA service. Normally you set these properties in the *\_AppStart* page.
### `ReCaptcha.Validate([, privateKey])`
Returns the result of the reCAPTCHA test.
### `ServerInfo.GetHtml()`
Renders status information about ASP.NET Web Pages.
### `Twitter.Profile(twitterUserName)`
Renders a Twitter stream for the specified user.
### `Twitter.Search(searchQuery)`
Renders a Twitter stream for the specified search text.
### `Video.Flash(filename [, width, height])`
Renders a Flash video player for the specified file with optional width and height.
### `Video.MediaPlayer(filename [, width, height])`
Renders a Windows Media player for the specified file with optional width and height.
### `Video.Silverlight(filename, width, height)`
Renders a Silverlight player for the specified *.xap* file with required width and height.
### `WebCache.Get(key)`
Returns the object specified by *key*, or null if the object is not found.
### `WebCache.Remove(key)`
Removes the object specified by *key* from the cache.
### `WebCache.Set(key, value [, minutesToCache] [, slidingExpiration])`
Puts *value* into the cache under the name specified by *key*.
### `WebGrid(data)`
Creates a new `WebGrid` object using data from a query.
### `WebGrid.GetHtml()`
Renders markup to display data in an HTML table.
### `WebGrid.Pager()`
Renders a pager for the `WebGrid` object.
### `WebImage(path)`
Loads an image from the specified path.
### `WebImage.AddImagesWatermark(image)`
Adds the specified image as a watermark.
### `WebImage.AddTextWatermark(text)`
Adds the specified text to the image.
### `WebImage.FlipHorizontal()`
Flips the image horizontally or vertically.
### `WebImage.GetImageFromRequest()`
Loads an image when an image is posted to a page during a file upload.
### `WebImage.Resize(width,height)`
Resizes an the image.
### `WebImage.RotateLeft()`
Rotates the image to the left or the right.
### `WebImage.Save(path [, imageFormat])`
Saves the image to the specified path.
### `WebMail.Password`
Sets the password for the SMTP server. Normally you set this property in the *\_AppStart* page.
### `WebMail.Send(to, subject, body [, from] [, cc] [, filesToAttach] [, isBodyHtml]`
`[, additionalHeaders])`
Sends an email message.
### `WebMail.SmtpServer`
Sets the SMTP server name. Normally you set this property in the*\_AppStart* page.
### `WebMail.UserName`
Sets the user name for the SMTP server. Normally you should set this property in the *\_AppStart* page.
## Validation
### `Html.ValidationMessage(field)`
(v2) Renders a validation error message for the specified field.
### `Html.ValidationSummary([message])`
(v2) Displays a list of all validation errors.
### `Validation.Add(field, validationType)`
(v2) Registers a user input element for the specified type of validation.
### `Validation.ClassFor(field)`
(v2) Dynamically renders CSS class attributes for client-side validation so that you can format validation error messages. (Requires that you reference the appropriate client-script libraries and that you define CSS classes.)
### `Validation.For(field)`
(v2) Enables client-side validation for the user input field. (Requires that you reference the appropriate client-script libraries.)
### `Validation.IsValid()`
(v2) Returns true if all user input elements that are registred for validation contain valid values.
### `Validation.RequireField(field[, errorMessage])`
(v2) Specifies that users must provide a value for the user input element.
### `Validation.RequireFields(field1[, field12, field3, ...])`
(v2) Specifies that users must provide values for each of the user input elements. This method does not let you specify a custom error message.
### `Validator.DateTime ([error message])`
`Validator.Decimal([error message])`
`Validator.EqualsTo(otherField,[error message])`
`Validator.Float([error message])`
`Validator.Integer([error message])`
`Validator.Range(min,max [, error message])`
`Validator.RegEx(pattern[, error message])`
`Validator.Required([error message])`
`Validator.Url([error message])`
(v2) Specifies a validation test when you use the `Validation.Add` method.