The `
` element is a [Form Tag Helper](xref:mvc/views/working-with-forms#the-form-tag-helper). The Form Tag Helper automatically includes an [antiforgery token](xref:security/anti-request-forgery). The scaffolding engine creates Razor markup for each field in the model (except the ID) similar to the following: [!code-cshtml[](../../tutorials/razor-pages/razor-pages-start/snapshot_sample/RazorPagesMovie/Pages/Movies/Create.cshtml?range=15-20)] The [Validation Tag Helpers](xref:mvc/views/working-with-forms#the-validation-tag-helpers) (`
`) generates the label caption and `for` attribute for the `Title` property. The [Input Tag Helper](xref:mvc/views/working-with-forms) (``) uses the [DataAnnotations]( attributes and produces HTML attributes needed for jQuery Validation on the client-side.