--- title: Debug ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly author: guardrex description: Learn how to debug Blazor apps. monikerRange: '>= aspnetcore-3.1' ms.author: riande ms.custom: mvc ms.date: 08/26/2020 no-loc: ["ASP.NET Core Identity", cookie, Cookie, Blazor, "Blazor Server", "Blazor WebAssembly", "Identity", "Let's Encrypt", Razor, SignalR] uid: blazor/debug --- # Debug ASP.NET Core Blazor WebAssembly [Daniel Roth](https://github.com/danroth27) Blazor WebAssembly apps can be debugged using the browser dev tools in Chromium-based browsers (Edge/Chrome). You can also debug your app using the following integrated development environments (IDEs): * Visual Studio * Visual Studio for Mac * Visual Studio Code Available scenarios include: * Set and remove breakpoints. * Run the app with debugging support in IDEs. * Single-step through the code. * Resume code execution with a keyboard shortcut in IDEs. * In the *Locals* window, observe the values of local variables. * See the call stack, including call chains between JavaScript and .NET. For now, you *can't*: * Break on unhandled exceptions. * Hit breakpoints during app startup before the debug proxy is running. This includes breakpoints in `Program.Main` (`Program.cs`) and breakpoints in the [`OnInitialized{Async}` methods](xref:blazor/components/lifecycle#component-initialization-methods) of components that are loaded by the first page requested from the app. ## Prerequisites Debugging requires either of the following browsers: * Google Chrome (version 70 or later) (default) * Microsoft Edge (version 80 or later) Visual Studio for Mac requires version 8.8 (build 1532) or later: 1. Install the latest release of Visual Studio for Mac by selecting the **Download Visual Studio for Mac** button at [Microsoft: Visual Studio for Mac](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/mac/). 1. Select the *Preview* channel from within Visual Studio. For more information, see [Install a preview version of Visual Studio for Mac](/visualstudio/mac/install-preview). > [!NOTE] > Apple Safari on macOS isn't currently supported. ## Enable debugging To enable debugging for an existing Blazor WebAssembly app, update the `launchSettings.json` file in the startup project to include the following `inspectUri` property in each launch profile: ```json "inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}" ``` Once updated, the `launchSettings.json` file should look similar to the following example: [!code-json[](debug/launchSettings.json?highlight=14,22)] The `inspectUri` property: * Enables the IDE to detect that the app is a Blazor WebAssembly app. * Instructs the script debugging infrastructure to connect to the browser through Blazor's debugging proxy. The placeholder values for the WebSockets protocol (`wsProtocol`), host (`url.hostname`), port (`url.port`), and inspector URI on the launched browser (`browserInspectUri`) are provided by the framework. # [Visual Studio](#tab/visual-studio) To debug a Blazor WebAssembly app in Visual Studio: 1. Create a new ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WebAssembly app. 1. Press F5 to run the app in the debugger. > [!NOTE] > **Start Without Debugging** (Ctrl+F5) isn't supported. When the app is run in Debug configuration, debugging overhead always results in a small performance reduction. 1. In the *Client* app, set a breakpoint on the `currentCount++;` line in `Pages/Counter.razor`. 1. In the browser, navigate to `Counter` page and select the **Click me** button to hit the breakpoint. 1. In Visual Studio, inspect the value of the `currentCount` field in the **Locals** window. 1. Press F5 to continue execution. While debugging a Blazor WebAssembly app, you can also debug server code: 1. Set a breakpoint in the `Pages/FetchData.razor` page in . 1. Set a breakpoint in the `WeatherForecastController` in the `Get` action method. 1. Browse to the `Fetch Data` page to hit the first breakpoint in the `FetchData` component just before it issues an HTTP request to the server. 1. Press F5 to continue execution and then hit the breakpoint on the server in the `WeatherForecastController`. 1. Press F5 again to let execution continue and see the weather forecast table rendered in the browser. > [!NOTE] > Breakpoints are **not** hit during app startup before the debug proxy is running. This includes breakpoints in `Program.Main` (`Program.cs`) and breakpoints in the [`OnInitialized{Async}` methods](xref:blazor/components/lifecycle#component-initialization-methods) of components that are loaded by the first page requested from the app. If the app is hosted at a different [app base path](xref:blazor/host-and-deploy/index#app-base-path) than `/`, update the following properties in `Properties/launchSettings.json` to reflect the app's base path: * `applicationUrl`: ```json "iisSettings": { ... "iisExpress": { "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:{INSECURE PORT}/{APP BASE PATH}/", "sslPort": {SECURE PORT} } }, ``` * `inspectUri` of each profile: ```json "profiles": { ... "{PROFILE 1, 2, ... N}": { ... "inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/{APP BASE PATH}/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}", ... } } ``` The placeholders in the preceding settings: * `{INSECURE PORT}`: The insecure port. A random value is provided by default, but a custom port is permitted. * `{APP BASE PATH}`: The app's base path. * `{SECURE PORT}`: The secure port. A random value is provided by default, but a custom port is permitted. * `{PROFILE 1, 2, ... N}`: Launch settings profiles. Usually, an app specifies more than one profile by default (for example, a profile for IIS Express and a project profile, which is used by Kestrel server). In the following examples, the app is hosted at `/OAT` with an app base path configured in `wwwroot/index.html` as ``: ```json "applicationUrl": "http://localhost:{INSECURE PORT}/OAT/", ``` ```json "inspectUri": "{wsProtocol}://{url.hostname}:{url.port}/OAT/_framework/debug/ws-proxy?browser={browserInspectUri}", ``` For information on using a custom app base path for Blazor WebAssembly apps, see . # [Visual Studio Code](#tab/visual-studio-code)

Debug standalone Blazor WebAssembly

1. Open the standalone Blazor WebAssembly app in VS Code. You may receive a notification that additional setup is required to enable debugging: > Additional setup is required to debug Blazor WebAssembly applications. If you receive the notification: * Confirm that the latest [C# for Visual Studio Code extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-dotnettools.csharp) is installed. To inspect the installed extensions, open **View** > **Extensions** from the menu bar or select the **Extensions** icon in the **Activity** sidebar. * Confirm that JavaScript preview debugging is enabled. Open the settings from the menu bar (**File** > **Preferences** > **Settings**). Search using the keywords `debug preview`. In the search results, confirm that the check box for **Debug > JavaScript: Use Preview** is checked. If the option to enable preview debugging isn't present, either upgrade to the latest version of VS Code or install the [JavaScript Debugger Extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-vscode.js-debug-nightly) (VS Code versions 1.46 or earlier). * Reload the window. 1. Start debugging using the F5 keyboard shortcut or the menu item. > [!NOTE] > **Start Without Debugging** (Ctrl+F5) isn't supported. When the app is run in Debug configuration, debugging overhead always results in a small performance reduction. 1. When prompted, select the **Blazor WebAssembly Debug** option to start debugging. 1. The standalone app is launched, and a debugging browser is opened. 1. In the *Client* app, set a breakpoint on the `currentCount++;` line in `Pages/Counter.razor`. 1. In the browser, navigate to `Counter` page and select the **Click me** button to hit the breakpoint. > [!NOTE] > Breakpoints are **not** hit during app startup before the debug proxy is running. This includes breakpoints in `Program.Main` (`Program.cs`) and breakpoints in the [`OnInitialized{Async}` methods](xref:blazor/components/lifecycle#component-initialization-methods) of components that are loaded by the first page requested from the app. ## Debug hosted Blazor WebAssembly 1. Open the hosted Blazor WebAssembly app's solution folder in VS Code. 1. If there's no launch configuration set for the project, the following notification appears. Select **Yes**. > Required assets to build and debug are missing from '{APPLICATION NAME}'. Add them? 1. In the command palette at the top of the window, select the *Server* project within the hosted solution. A `launch.json` file is generated with the launch configuration for launching the debugger. ## Attach to an existing debugging session To attach to a running Blazor app, create a `launch.json` file with the following configuration: ```json { "type": "blazorwasm", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach to Existing Blazor WebAssembly Application" } ``` > [!NOTE] > Attaching to a debugging session is only supported for standalone apps. To use full-stack debugging, you must launch the app from VS Code. ## Launch configuration options The following launch configuration options are supported for the `blazorwasm` debug type (`.vscode/launch.json`). | Option | Description | | --------- | ----------- | | `request` | Use `launch` to launch and attach a debugging session to a Blazor WebAssembly app or `attach` to attach a debugging session to an already-running app. | | `url` | The URL to open in the browser when debugging. Defaults to `https://localhost:5001`. | | `browser` | The browser to launch for the debugging session. Set to `edge` or `chrome`. Defaults to `chrome`. | | `trace` | Used to generate logs from the JS debugger. Set to `true` to generate logs. | | `hosted` | Must be set to `true` if launching and debugging a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app. | | `webRoot` | Specifies the absolute path of the web server. Should be set if an app is served from a sub-route. | | `timeout` | The number of milliseconds to wait for the debugging session to attach. Defaults to 30,000 milliseconds (30 seconds). | | `program` | A reference to the executable to run the server of the hosted app. Must be set if `hosted` is `true`. | | `cwd` | The working directory to launch the app under. Must be set if `hosted` is `true`. | | `env` | The environment variables to provide to the launched process. Only applicable if `hosted` is set to `true`. | ## Example launch configurations ### Launch and debug a standalone Blazor WebAssembly app ```json { "type": "blazorwasm", "request": "launch", "name": "Launch and Debug" } ``` ### Attach to a running app at a specified URL ```json { "type": "blazorwasm", "request": "attach", "name": "Attach and Debug", "url": "http://localhost:5000" } ``` ### Launch and debug a hosted Blazor WebAssembly app with Microsoft Edge Browser configuration defaults to Google Chrome. When using Microsoft Edge for debugging, set `browser` to `edge`. To use Google Chrome, either don't set the `browser` option or set the option's value to `chrome`. ```json { "name": "Launch and Debug Hosted Blazor WebAssembly App", "type": "blazorwasm", "request": "launch", "hosted": true, "program": "${workspaceFolder}/Server/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/MyHostedApp.Server.dll", "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}/Server", "browser": "edge" } ``` In the preceding example, `MyHostedApp.Server.dll` is the *Server* app's assembly. The `.vscode` folder is located in the solution's folder next to the `Client`, `Server`, and `Shared` folders. # [Visual Studio for Mac](#tab/visual-studio-mac) To debug a Blazor WebAssembly app in Visual Studio for Mac: 1. Create a new ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WebAssembly app. 1. Press + to run the app in the debugger. > [!NOTE] > **Start Without Debugging** (++) isn't supported. When the app is run in Debug configuration, debugging overhead always results in a small performance reduction. > [!IMPORTANT] > Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge must be the selected browser for the debugging session. 1. In the *Client* app, set a breakpoint on the `currentCount++;` line in `Pages/Counter.razor`. 1. In the browser, navigate to `Counter` page and select the **Click me** button to hit the breakpoint: 1. In Visual Studio, inspect the value of the `currentCount` field in the **Locals** window. 1. Press + to continue execution. While debugging a Blazor WebAssembly app, you can also debug server code: 1. Set a breakpoint in the `Pages/FetchData.razor` page in . 1. Set a breakpoint in the `WeatherForecastController` in the `Get` action method. 1. Browse to the `Fetch Data` page to hit the first breakpoint in the `FetchData` component just before it issues an HTTP request to the server. 1. Press + to continue execution and then hit the breakpoint on the server in the `WeatherForecastController`. 1. Press + again to let execution continue and see the weather forecast table rendered in the browser. > [!NOTE] > Breakpoints are **not** hit during app startup before the debug proxy is running. This includes breakpoints in `Program.Main` (`Program.cs`) and breakpoints in the [`OnInitialized{Async}` methods](xref:blazor/components/lifecycle#component-initialization-methods) of components that are loaded by the first page requested from the app. For more information, see [Debugging with Visual Studio for Mac](/visualstudio/mac/debugging). --- ## Debug in the browser *The guidance in this section applies to Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge running on Windows.* 1. Run a Debug build of the app in the Development environment. 1. Launch a browser and navigate to the app's URL (for example, `https://localhost:5001`). 1. In the browser, attempt to commence remote debugging by pressing Shift+Alt+d. The browser must be running with remote debugging enabled, which isn't the default. If remote debugging is disabled, an **Unable to find debuggable browser tab** error page is rendered with instructions for launching the browser with the debugging port open. Follow the instructions for your browser, which opens a new browser window. Close the previous browser window. 1. Once the browser is running with remote debugging enabled, the debugging keyboard shortcut in the previous step opens a new debugger tab. 1. After a moment, the **Sources** tab shows a list of the app's .NET assemblies within the `file://` node. 1. In component code (`.razor` files) and C# code files (`.cs`), breakpoints that you set are hit when code executes. After a breakpoint is hit, single-step (F10) through the code or resume (F8) code execution normally. Blazor provides a debugging proxy that implements the [Chrome DevTools Protocol](https://chromedevtools.github.io/devtools-protocol/) and augments the protocol with .NET-specific information. When debugging keyboard shortcut is pressed, Blazor points the Chrome DevTools at the proxy. The proxy connects to the browser window you're seeking to debug (hence the need to enable remote debugging). ## Browser source maps Browser source maps allow the browser to map compiled files back to their original source files and are commonly used for client-side debugging. However, Blazor doesn't currently map C# directly to JavaScript/WASM. Instead, Blazor does IL interpretation within the browser, so source maps aren't relevant. ## Troubleshoot If you're running into errors, the following tips may help: * In the **Debugger** tab, open the developer tools in your browser. In the console, execute `localStorage.clear()` to remove any breakpoints. * Confirm that you've installed and trusted the ASP.NET Core HTTPS development certificate. For more information, see . * Visual Studio requires the **Enable JavaScript debugging for ASP.NET (Chrome, Edge and IE)** option in **Tools** > **Options** > **Debugging** > **General**. This is the default setting for Visual Studio. If debugging isn't working, confirm that the option is selected. ### Breakpoints in `OnInitialized{Async}` not hit The Blazor framework's debugging proxy takes a short time to launch, so breakpoints in the [`OnInitialized{Async}` lifecycle method](xref:blazor/components/lifecycle#component-initialization-methods) might not be hit. We recommend adding a delay at the start of the method body to give the debug proxy some time to launch before the breakpoint is hit. You can include the delay based on an [`if` compiler directive](/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/preprocessor-directives/preprocessor-if) to ensure that the delay isn't present for a release build of the app. : ```csharp protected override void OnInitialized() { #if DEBUG Thread.Sleep(10000) #endif ... } ``` : ```csharp protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() { #if DEBUG await Task.Delay(10000) #endif ... } ``` ### Visual Studio (Windows) timeout If Visual Studio throws an exception that the debug adapter failed to launch mentioning that the timeout was reached, you can adjust the timeout with a Registry setting: ```console VsRegEdit.exe set "" HKCU JSDebugger\Options\Debugging "BlazorTimeoutInMilliseconds" dword {TIMEOUT} ``` The `{TIMEOUT}` placeholder in the preceding command is in milliseconds. For example, one minute is assigned as `60000`.