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Right click on a red squiggly line > **Quick Actions and Refactorings** on the `[Column]` atribute and select `using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema;`
The `[Column(TypeName = "decimal(18, 2)")]` data annotation is required so Entity Framework Core can correctly map `Price` to currency in the database. For more information, see [Data Types](/ef/core/modeling/relational/data-types).
The completed model:
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We'll cover [DataAnnotations](/aspnet/mvc/overview/older-versions/mvc-music-store/mvc-music-store-part-6) in the next tutorial. The [Display](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.modelbinding.metadata.displaymetadata) attribute specifies what to display for the name of a field (in this case "Release Date" instead of "ReleaseDate"). The [DataType](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.dataannotations.internal.datatypeattributeadapter) attribute specifies the type of the data (Date), so the time information stored in the field isn't displayed.
Browse to Pages/Movies and hover over an **Edit** link to see the target URL.
![Browser window with mouse over the Edit link and a link Url of http://localhost:1234/Movies/Edit/5 is shown](~/tutorials/razor-pages/da1/edit7.png)
The **Edit**, **Details**, and **Delete** links are generated by the [Anchor Tag Helper](xref:mvc/views/tag-helpers/builtin-th/anchor-tag-helper)
in the *Pages/Movies/Index.cshtml* file.
[Tag Helpers](xref:mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro) enable server-side code to participate in creating and rendering HTML elements in Razor files. In the preceding code, the `AnchorTagHelper` dynamically generates the HTML `href` attribute value from the Razor Page (the route is relative), the `asp-page`, and the route id (`asp-route-id`). See [URL generation for Pages](xref:razor-pages/index#url-generation-for-pages) for more information.
Use **View Source** from your favorite browser to examine the generated markup. A portion of the generated HTML is shown below:
Edit |
Details |
The dynamically-generated links pass the movie ID with a query string (for example, `http://localhost:5000/Movies/Details?id=2`).
Update the Edit, Details, and Delete Razor Pages to use the "{id:int}" route template. Change the page directive for each of these pages from `@page` to `@page "{id:int}"`. Run the app and then view source. The generated HTML adds the ID to the path portion of the URL:
Edit |
Details |
A request to the page with the "{id:int}" route template that does **not** include the integer will return an HTTP 404 (not found) error. For example, `http://localhost:5000/Movies/Details` will return a 404 error. To make the ID optional, append `?` to the route constraint:
@page "{id:int?}"
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### Update concurrency exception handling
Update the `OnPostAsync` method in the *Pages/Movies/Edit.cshtml.cs* file. The following highlighted code shows the changes:
The previous code only detects concurrency exceptions when the first concurrent client deletes the movie, and the second concurrent client posts changes to the movie.
To test the `catch` block:
* Set a breakpoint on `catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)`
* Edit a movie.
* In another browser window, select the **Delete** link for the same movie, and then delete the movie.
* In the previous browser window, post changes to the movie.
Production code would generally detect concurrency conflicts when two or more clients concurrently updated a record. See [Handle concurrency conflicts](xref:data/ef-rp/concurrency) for more information.
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### Posting and binding review
Examine the *Pages/Movies/Edit.cshtml.cs* file:
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When an HTTP GET request is made to the Movies/Edit page (for example, `http://localhost:5000/Movies/Edit/2`):
* The `OnGetAsync` method fetches the movie from the database and returns the `Page` method.
* The `Page` method renders the *Pages/Movies/Edit.cshtml* Razor Page. The *Pages/Movies/Edit.cshtml* file contains the model directive (`@model RazorPagesMovie.Pages.Movies.EditModel`), which makes the movie model available on the page.
* The Edit form is displayed with the values from the movie.
When the Movies/Edit page is posted:
* The form values on the page are bound to the `Movie` property. The `[BindProperty]` attribute enables [Model binding](xref:mvc/models/model-binding).
public Movie Movie { get; set; }
* If there are errors in the model state (for example, `ReleaseDate` cannot be converted to a date), the form is posted again with the submitted values.
* If there are no model errors, the movie is saved.
The HTTP GET methods in the Index, Create, and Delete Razor pages follow a similar pattern. The HTTP POST `OnPostAsync` method in the Create Razor Page follows a similar pattern to the `OnPostAsync` method in the Edit Razor Page.
Search is added in the next tutorial.