title: Razor Pages with EF Core in ASP.NET Core - Update Related Data - 7 of 8
author: rick-anderson
description: In this tutorial you'll update related data by updating foreign key fields and navigation properties.
ms.author: riande
ms.date: 11/15/2017
uid: data/ef-rp/update-related-data
# Razor Pages with EF Core in ASP.NET Core - Update Related Data - 7 of 8
By [Tom Dykstra](https://github.com/tdykstra), and [Rick Anderson](https://twitter.com/RickAndMSFT)
[!INCLUDE [about the series](../../includes/RP-EF/intro.md)]
This tutorial demonstrates updating related data. If you run into problems you can't solve, [download or view the completed app.](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/data/ef-rp/intro/samples) [Download instructions](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample).
The following illustrations shows some of the completed pages.
![Course Edit page](update-related-data/_static/course-edit.png)
![Instructor Edit page](update-related-data/_static/instructor-edit-courses.png)
Examine and test the Create and Edit course pages. Create a new course. The department is selected by its primary key (an integer), not its name. Edit the new course. When you have finished testing, delete the new course.
## Create a base class to share common code
The Courses/Create and Courses/Edit pages each need a list of department names. Create the *Pages/Courses/DepartmentNamePageModel.cshtml.cs* base class for the Create and Edit pages:
The preceding code creates a [SelectList](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.mvc.rendering.selectlist?view=aspnetcore-2.0) to contain the list of department names. If `selectedDepartment` is specified, that department is selected in the `SelectList`.
The Create and Edit page model classes will derive from `DepartmentNamePageModel`.
## Customize the Courses Pages
When a new course entity is created, it must have a relationship to an existing department. To add a department while creating a course, the base class for Create and Edit contains a drop-down list for selecting the department. The drop-down list sets the `Course.DepartmentID` foreign key (FK) property. EF Core uses the `Course.DepartmentID` FK to load the `Department` navigation property.
![Create course](update-related-data/_static/ddl.png)
Update the Create page model with the following code:
The preceding code:
* Derives from `DepartmentNamePageModel`.
* Uses `TryUpdateModelAsync` to prevent [overposting](xref:data/ef-rp/crud#overposting).
* Replaces `ViewData["DepartmentID"]` with `DepartmentNameSL` (from the base class).
`ViewData["DepartmentID"]` is replaced with the strongly typed `DepartmentNameSL`. Strongly typed models are preferred over weakly typed. For more information, see [Weakly typed data (ViewData and ViewBag)](xref:mvc/views/overview#VD_VB).
### Update the Courses Create page
Update *Pages/Courses/Create.cshtml* with the following markup:
The preceding markup makes the following changes:
* Changes the caption from **DepartmentID** to **Department**.
* Replaces `"ViewBag.DepartmentID"` with `DepartmentNameSL` (from the base class).
* Adds the "Select Department" option. This change renders "Select Department" rather than the first department.
* Adds a validation message when the department isn't selected.
The Razor Page uses the [Select Tag Helper](xref:mvc/views/working-with-forms#the-select-tag-helper):
Test the Create page. The Create page displays the department name rather than the department ID.
### Update the Courses Edit page.
Update the edit page model with the following code:
The changes are similar to those made in the Create page model. In the preceding code, `PopulateDepartmentsDropDownList` passes in the department ID, which select the department specified in the drop-down list.
Update *Pages/Courses/Edit.cshtml* with the following markup:
The preceding markup makes the following changes:
* Displays the course ID. Generally the Primary Key (PK) of an entity isn't displayed. PKs are usually meaningless to users. In this case, the PK is the course number.
* Changes the caption from **DepartmentID** to **Department**.
* Replaces `"ViewBag.DepartmentID"` with `DepartmentNameSL` (from the base class).
The page contains a hidden field (``) for the course number. Adding a `