--- title: Adding a model | Microsoft Docs author: rick-anderson description: Add a model to a simple ASP.NET Core app. keywords: ASP.NET Core, ms.author: riande manager: wpickett ms.date: 03/30/2017 ms.topic: article ms.assetid: 8dc28498-00ee-4d66-b903-b593059e9f39 ms.technology: aspnet ms.prod: asp.net-core uid: tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-model --- [!INCLUDE[adding-model](../../includes/mvc-intro/adding-model1.md)] In Solution Explorer, right click the **MvcMovie** project > **Add** > **New Folder**. Name the folder *Models*. In Solution Explorer, right click the *Models* folder > **Add** > **Class**. Name the class **Movie** and add the following properties: [!code-csharp[Main](../../tutorials/first-mvc-app/start-mvc/sample/MvcMovie/Models/MovieNoEF.cs?name=snippet_1&highlight=7)] In addition to the properties you'd expect to model a movie, the `ID` field is required by the database for the primary key. Build the project. Build the app to verify you don't have any errors. We've finally added a **M**odel to our **M**VC app. ## Scaffolding a controller In **Solution Explorer**, right-click the *Controllers* folder **> Add > Controller**. ![view of above step](adding-model/_static/add_controller.png) In the **Add MVC Dependencies** dialog, select **Minimal Dependencies**, and select **Add**. ![view of above step](adding-model/_static/add_depend.png) Visual Studio adds the dependencies needed to scaffold a controller, but the controller itself is not created. The next invoke of **> Add > Controller** creates the controller. In **Solution Explorer**, right-click the *Controllers* folder **> Add > Controller**. ![view of above step](adding-model/_static/add_controller.png) In the **Add Scaffold** dialog, tap **MVC Controller with views, using Entity Framework > Add**. ![Add Scaffold dialog](adding-model/_static/add_scaffold2.png) Complete the **Add Controller** dialog: * **Model class:** *Movie (MvcMovie.Models)* * **Data context class:** Select the **+** icon and add the default **MvcMovie.Models.MvcMovieContext** ![Add Data context](adding-model/_static/dc.png) * **Views:** Keep the default of each option checked * **Controller name:** Keep the default *MoviesController* * Tap **Add** ![Add Controller dialog](adding-model/_static/add_controller2.png) The scaffolding engine creates the following: * A movies controller (*Controllers/MoviesController.cs*) * Create, Delete, Details, Edit and Index Razor view files (*Views/Movies*) Scaffolding automatically created the [CRUD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete) (create, read, update, and delete) action methods and views for you. The automatic creation of CRUD action methods and views is known as *scaffolding*. You'll soon have a fully functional web application that lets you create, list, edit, and delete movie entries. If you run the app and click on the **Mvc Movie** link, you'll get an error similar to the following: ```text An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. SqlException: Cannot open database "MvcMovieContext-" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user Rick ``` ## Add EF tooling - In Solution Explorer, right click the **MvcMovie** project > **Edit MvcMovie.csproj**. ![SE meu showing Edit MvcMovie.csproj](adding-model/_static/edit_csproj.png) - Add the `"Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet"` NuGet package: [!code-xml[Main](start-mvc/sample/MvcMovie/MvcMovie.csproj?range=22-25&highlight=3)] Note: The version numbers shown above were correct at the time of writing. [!INCLUDE[adding-model](../../includes/mvc-intro/adding-model3.md)] ![Intellisense contextual menu on a Model item listing the available properties for ID, Price, Release Date, and Title](adding-model/_static/ints.png) ### Additional resources * [Tag Helpers](xref:mvc/views/tag-helpers/intro) * [Globalization and localization](xref:fundamentals/localization) >[!div class="step-by-step"] [Previous Adding a View](adding-view.md)