--- title: Create an ASP.NET Core app with user data protected by authorization author: rick-anderson description: Learn how to create a Razor Pages app with user data protected by authorization. Includes HTTPS, authentication, security, ASP.NET Core Identity. ms.author: riande ms.date: 12/18/2018 ms.custom: "mvc, seodec18" uid: security/authorization/secure-data --- # Create an ASP.NET Core app with user data protected by authorization By [Rick Anderson](https://twitter.com/RickAndMSFT) and [Joe Audette](https://twitter.com/joeaudette) ::: moniker range="<= aspnetcore-1.1" See [this PDF](https://webpifeed.blob.core.windows.net/webpifeed/Partners/asp.net_repo_pdf_1-16-18.pdf) for the ASP.NET Core MVC version. The ASP.NET Core 1.1 version of this tutorial is in [this](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/security/authorization/secure-data) folder. The 1.1 ASP.NET Core sample is in the [samples](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/security/authorization/secure-data/samples/final2). ::: moniker-end ::: moniker range="= aspnetcore-2.0" See [this pdf](https://webpifeed.blob.core.windows.net/webpifeed/Partners/asp.net_repo_pdf_July16_18.pdf) ::: moniker-end ::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.1" This tutorial shows how to create an ASP.NET Core web app with user data protected by authorization. It displays a list of contacts that authenticated (registered) users have created. There are three security groups: * **Registered users** can view all the approved data and can edit/delete their own data. * **Managers** can approve or reject contact data. Only approved contacts are visible to users. * **Administrators** can approve/reject and edit/delete any data. In the following image, user Rick (`rick@example.com`) is signed in. Rick can only view approved contacts and **Edit**/**Delete**/**Create New** links for his contacts. Only the last record, created by Rick, displays **Edit** and **Delete** links. Other users won't see the last record until a manager or administrator changes the status to "Approved". ![Screenshot showing Rick signed in](secure-data/_static/rick.png) In the following image, `manager@contoso.com` is signed in and in the managers role: ![Screenshot showing manager@contoso.com signed in](secure-data/_static/manager1.png) The following image shows the managers details view of a contact: ![Manager's view of a contact](secure-data/_static/manager.png) The **Approve** and **Reject** buttons are only displayed for managers and administrators. In the following image, `admin@contoso.com` is signed in and in the administrators role: ![Screenshot showing admin@contoso.com signed in](secure-data/_static/admin.png) The administrator has all privileges. She can read/edit/delete any contact and change the status of contacts. The app was created by [scaffolding](xref:tutorials/first-mvc-app/adding-model#scaffold-the-movie-model) the following `Contact` model: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/starter2.1/Models/Contact.cs?name=snippet1)] The sample contains the following authorization handlers: * `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler`: Ensures that a user can only edit their data. * `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler`: Allows managers to approve or reject contacts. * `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler`: Allows administrators to approve or reject contacts and to edit/delete contacts. ## Prerequisites This tutorial is advanced. You should be familiar with: * [ASP.NET Core](xref:tutorials/first-mvc-app/start-mvc) * [Authentication](xref:security/authentication/identity) * [Account Confirmation and Password Recovery](xref:security/authentication/accconfirm) * [Authorization](xref:security/authorization/introduction) * [Entity Framework Core](xref:data/ef-mvc/intro) ::: moniker-end ::: moniker range="= aspnetcore-2.1" In ASP.NET Core 2.1, `User.IsInRole` fails when using `AddDefaultIdentity`. This tutorial uses `AddDefaultIdentity` and therefore requires ASP.NET Core 2.2 or later. See [this GitHub issue](https://github.com/aspnet/Identity/issues/1813#issuecomment-394543909) for a work-around. ::: moniker-end ::: moniker range=">= aspnetcore-2.1" ## The starter and completed app [Download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample) the [completed](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/security/authorization/secure-data/samples) app. [Test](#test-the-completed-app) the completed app so you become familiar with its security features. ### The starter app [Download](xref:index#how-to-download-a-sample) the [starter](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/security/authorization/secure-data/samples/starter2) app. Run the app, tap the **ContactManager** link, and verify you can create, edit, and delete a contact. ## Secure user data The following sections have all the major steps to create the secure user data app. You may find it helpful to refer to the completed project. ### Tie the contact data to the user Use the ASP.NET [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity) user ID to ensure users can edit their data, but not other users data. Add `OwnerID` and `ContactStatus` to the `Contact` model: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Models/Contact.cs?name=snippet1&highlight=5-6,16-999)] `OwnerID` is the user's ID from the `AspNetUser` table in the [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity) database. The `Status` field determines if a contact is viewable by general users. Create a new migration and update the database: ```console dotnet ef migrations add userID_Status dotnet ef database update ``` ### Add Role services to Identity Append [AddRoles](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.identity.identitybuilder.addroles#Microsoft_AspNetCore_Identity_IdentityBuilder_AddRoles__1) to add Role services: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Startup.cs?name=snippet2&highlight=12)] ### Require authenticated users Set the default authentication policy to require users to be authenticated: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Startup.cs?name=snippet&highlight=17-99)] You can opt out of authentication at the Razor Page, controller, or action method level with the `[AllowAnonymous]` attribute. Setting the default authentication policy to require users to be authenticated protects newly added Razor Pages and controllers. Having authentication required by default is more secure than relying on new controllers and Razor Pages to include the `[Authorize]` attribute. Add [AllowAnonymous](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization.allowanonymousattribute) to the Index, About, and Contact pages so anonymous users can get information about the site before they register. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Index.cshtml.cs?highlight=1,6)] ### Configure the test account The `SeedData` class creates two accounts: administrator and manager. Use the [Secret Manager tool](xref:security/app-secrets) to set a password for these accounts. Set the password from the project directory (the directory containing *Program.cs*): ```console dotnet user-secrets set SeedUserPW ``` If a strong password is not specified, an exception is thrown when `SeedData.Initialize` is called. Update `Main` to use the test password: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Program.cs?name=snippet)] ### Create the test accounts and update the contacts Update the `Initialize` method in the `SeedData` class to create the test accounts: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Data/SeedData.cs?name=snippet_Initialize)] Add the administrator user ID and `ContactStatus` to the contacts. Make one of the contacts "Submitted" and one "Rejected". Add the user ID and status to all the contacts. Only one contact is shown: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Data/SeedData.cs?name=snippet1&highlight=17,18)] ## Create owner, manager, and administrator authorization handlers Create a `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` verifies that the user acting on a resource owns the resource. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Authorization/ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler.cs)] The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` calls [context.Succeed](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization.authorizationhandlercontext.succeed#Microsoft_AspNetCore_Authorization_AuthorizationHandlerContext_Succeed_Microsoft_AspNetCore_Authorization_IAuthorizationRequirement_) if the current authenticated user is the contact owner. Authorization handlers generally: * Return `context.Succeed` when the requirements are met. * Return `Task.CompletedTask` when requirements aren't met. `Task.CompletedTask` is neither success or failure—it allows other authorization handlers to run. If you need to explicitly fail, return [context.Fail](/dotnet/api/microsoft.aspnetcore.authorization.authorizationhandlercontext.fail). The app allows contact owners to edit/delete/create their own data. `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` doesn't need to check the operation passed in the requirement parameter. ### Create a manager authorization handler Create a `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` verifies the user acting on the resource is a manager. Only managers can approve or reject content changes (new or changed). [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Authorization/ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler.cs)] ### Create an administrator authorization handler Create a `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` class in the *Authorization* folder. The `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` verifies the user acting on the resource is an administrator. Administrator can do all operations. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Authorization/ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler.cs)] ## Register the authorization handlers Services using Entity Framework Core must be registered for [dependency injection](xref:fundamentals/dependency-injection) using [AddScoped](/dotnet/api/microsoft.extensions.dependencyinjection.servicecollectionserviceextensions). The `ContactIsOwnerAuthorizationHandler` uses ASP.NET Core [Identity](xref:security/authentication/identity), which is built on Entity Framework Core. Register the handlers with the service collection so they're available to the `ContactsController` through [dependency injection](xref:fundamentals/dependency-injection). Add the following code to the end of `ConfigureServices`: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Startup.cs?name=snippet_defaultPolicy&highlight=27-99)] `ContactAdministratorsAuthorizationHandler` and `ContactManagerAuthorizationHandler` are added as singletons. They're singletons because they don't use EF and all the information needed is in the `Context` parameter of the `HandleRequirementAsync` method. ## Support authorization In this section, you update the Razor Pages and add an operations requirements class. ### Review the contact operations requirements class Review the `ContactOperations` class. This class contains the requirements the app supports: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Authorization/ContactOperations.cs)] ### Create a base class for the Contacts Razor Pages Create a base class that contains the services used in the contacts Razor Pages. The base class puts the initialization code in one location: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/DI_BasePageModel.cs)] The preceding code: * Adds the `IAuthorizationService` service to access to the authorization handlers. * Adds the Identity `UserManager` service. * Add the `ApplicationDbContext`. ### Update the CreateModel Update the create page model constructor to use the `DI_BasePageModel` base class: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Create.cshtml.cs?name=snippetCtor)] Update the `CreateModel.OnPostAsync` method to: * Add the user ID to the `Contact` model. * Call the authorization handler to verify the user has permission to create contacts. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Create.cshtml.cs?name=snippet_Create)] ### Update the IndexModel Update the `OnGetAsync` method so only approved contacts are shown to general users: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Index.cshtml.cs?name=snippet)] ### Update the EditModel Add an authorization handler to verify the user owns the contact. Because resource authorization is being validated, the `[Authorize]` attribute is not enough. The app doesn't have access to the resource when attributes are evaluated. Resource-based authorization must be imperative. Checks must be performed once the app has access to the resource, either by loading it in the page model or by loading it within the handler itself. You frequently access the resource by passing in the resource key. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Edit.cshtml.cs?name=snippet)] ### Update the DeleteModel Update the delete page model to use the authorization handler to verify the user has delete permission on the contact. [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Delete.cshtml.cs?name=snippet)] ## Inject the authorization service into the views Currently, the UI shows edit and delete links for contacts the user can't modify. Inject the authorization service in the *Views/_ViewImports.cshtml* file so it's available to all views: [!code-cshtml[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/_ViewImports.cshtml?highlight=6-99)] The preceding markup adds several `using` statements. Update the **Edit** and **Delete** links in *Pages/Contacts/Index.cshtml* so they're only rendered for users with the appropriate permissions: [!code-cshtml[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Index.cshtml?highlight=34-36,62-999)] > [!WARNING] > Hiding links from users that don't have permission to change data doesn't secure the app. Hiding links makes the app more user-friendly by displaying only valid links. Users can hack the generated URLs to invoke edit and delete operations on data they don't own. The Razor Page or controller must enforce access checks to secure the data. ### Update Details Update the details view so managers can approve or reject contacts: [!code-cshtml[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Details.cshtml?name=snippet)] Update the details page model: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/final2.1/Pages/Contacts/Details.cshtml.cs?name=snippet)] ## Add or remove a user to a role See [this issue](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/issues/8502) for information on: * Removing privileges from a user. For example muting a user in a chat app. * Adding privileges to a user. ## Test the completed app If you haven't already set a password for seeded user accounts, use the [Secret Manager tool](xref:security/app-secrets#secret-manager) to set a password: * Choose a strong password: Use eight or more characters and at least one upper-case character, number, and symbol. For example, `Passw0rd!` meets the strong password requirements. * Execute the following command from the project's folder, where `` is the password: ```console dotnet user-secrets set SeedUserPW ``` If the app has contacts: * Delete all of the records in the `Contact` table. * Restart the app to seed the database. An easy way to test the completed app is to launch three different browsers (or incognito/InPrivate sessions). In one browser, register a new user (for example, `test@example.com`). Sign in to each browser with a different user. Verify the following operations: * Registered users can view all of the approved contact data. * Registered users can edit/delete their own data. * Managers can approve/reject contact data. The `Details` view shows **Approve** and **Reject** buttons. * Administrators can approve/reject and edit/delete all data. | User | Seeded by the app | Options | | ------------------- | :---------------: | ---------------------------------------- | | test@example.com | No | Edit/delete the own data. | | manager@contoso.com | Yes | Approve/reject and edit/delete own data. | | admin@contoso.com | Yes | Approve/reject and edit/delete all data. | Create a contact in the administrator's browser. Copy the URL for delete and edit from the administrator contact. Paste these links into the test user's browser to verify the test user can't perform these operations. ## Create the starter app * Create a Razor Pages app named "ContactManager" * Create the app with **Individual User Accounts**. * Name it "ContactManager" so the namespace matches the namespace used in the sample. * `-uld` specifies LocalDB instead of SQLite ```console dotnet new webapp -o ContactManager -au Individual -uld ``` * Add *Models/Contact.cs*: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/starter2.1/Models/Contact.cs?name=snippet1)] * Scaffold the `Contact` model. * Create initial migration and update the database: ```console dotnet aspnet-codegenerator razorpage -m Contact -udl -dc ApplicationDbContext -outDir Pages\Contacts --referenceScriptLibraries dotnet ef database drop -f dotnet ef migrations add initial dotnet ef database update ``` * Update the **ContactManager** anchor in the *Pages/_Layout.cshtml* file: ```cshtml ContactManager ``` * Test the app by creating, editing, and deleting a contact ### Seed the database Add the [SeedData](https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore.Docs/tree/master/aspnetcore/security/authorization/secure-data/samples/starter2.1/Data/SeedData.cs) class to the *Data* folder. Call `SeedData.Initialize` from `Main`: [!code-csharp[](secure-data/samples/starter2.1/Program.cs?name=snippet)] Test that the app seeded the database. If there are any rows in the contact DB, the seed method doesn't run. ### Additional resources * [Build a .NET Core and SQL Database web app in Azure App Service](/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-dotnetcore-sqldb) * [ASP.NET Core Authorization Lab](https://github.com/blowdart/AspNetAuthorizationWorkshop). This lab goes into more detail on the security features introduced in this tutorial. * * [Custom policy-based authorization](xref:security/authorization/policies) ::: moniker-end