name: Close issues description: Close issues based on label resource: repository where: configuration: resourceManagementConfiguration: scheduledSearches: - frequencies: - daily: time: 12:00 filters: - isIssue - isOpen - hasLabel: label: needs-more-info - noActivitySince: days: 14 actions: - addReply: reply: This issue has been automatically closed due to no response from the original author. Feel free to reopen it if you have more information that can help us investigate the issue further. - closeIssue eventResponderTasks: - description: Remove needs-more-info label when author comments on issue if: - payloadType: Issue_Comment - isAction: action: Created - isActivitySender: issueAuthor: True - hasLabel: label: needs-more-info - isOpen then: - removeLabel: label: needs-more-info - description: Close issues labeled 'code-of-conduct' if: - payloadType: Issues - hasLabel: label: code-of-conduct then: - closeIssue