id: pullRequestManagement.labelFiles name: GitOps.PullRequestLabelFiles description: Checks the files touched by a pull request and assigns a reviewer owner: resource: repository disabled: false where: configuration: resourceManagementConfiguration: eventResponderTasks: - description: Modify PRs that touch certain files triggerOnOwnActions: false if: - payloadType: Pull_Request - or: - isAction: action: Opened - isAction: action: Synchronize - not: targetsBranch: branch: live then: - if: - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/blazor/hybrid/.*' then: - requestReview: reviewer: guardrex - addLabel: label: 'blazor-hybrid/subsvc' - if: - or: - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/blazor/.*' - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/client-side/dotnet-interop/' - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/client-side/dotnet-interop/' - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/mvc/views/tag-helpers/built-in/' - filesMatchPattern: matchAny: true pattern: '(?i).*/mvc/views/tag-helpers/built-in/' then: - requestReview: reviewer: guardrex - addLabel: label: 'blazor/subsvc' onFailure: onSuccess: